Neither technology is perfect from the viewpoint of a developer. No new technology will help anybody until the basic foundations of web development change, indicating that unless the basic foundations of web development change, no new technology will be able to benefit anyone as some form of panacea for online development.
Microsoft released ASP.NET Web Forms in 2001 as part of the.NET development environment. It was the leading web development platform in the IT industry until roughly 2010.
It was developed to replace "Classic ASP" to make web programming more accessible. And it did. The Open Source Community has been urging a return to th...
I had three virtual computers operating simultaneously to do this investigation. Two Virtual Computers ran Ubuntu, while the third ran FREEBSD and served as a router between the two Ubuntu machines. Configured Set up two NAT Networks as required in the research and assigned each machine to the specified IP addresses. After everything was set up, I double-checked the IP addresses of both Ubuntu PCs by opening the terminal and entering ifconfig, which confirmed that both machines' networks were operational. I also used the ping command to send an ICMP packet to NAT Networks to ensure that both Ubuntu workstations were connected to the...
Table of Contents-
Part 1: Partial Research Report 3
Introduction. 3
Hypothesis. 3
The materials, participant, design and procedure section. 3
Result section. 4
Discussion. 5
Part 2: Design flaws. 5
Q1: Identification of statistical analysis tools to analysis the data. 6
Q2: Explanation of each factor 7
Q3: Critical evaluation of data. 8
Reference list 9
Appendices. 10
Part 1: Partial Research Report-
The aim of this study is to evaluate respective risk factors that upsurge rate of dropping out of high school. In the study, the independent variables (IV) are risk factors such as low grades, low perceived quali...
Table of Contents
ERP Systems in the Cloud. 2
Introduction. 2
Overview of ERP Systems in Cloud. 2
Types of ERP System.. 4
Literature review of Cloud and ERP technology. 5
Case Study Analysis of ERP in Cloud. 6
Benefits of ERP in Cloud. 7
Drawbacks of ERP in Cloud. 8
Recommendations for ERP in Cloud. 9
Conclusion. 10
References. 11
ERP Systems in the Cloud-
1. Introduction
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been the source of developing the effective alignment of information and development of the strategies (Beaulieu et al. 2015). The ERP includes the utilisation of the set of software and deploying the inclusi...
Executive Summary
The business report is based on IT for business. The objectives of the report are to understand the point-of-sales and its advantages & disadvantages, to know about the telecommunications used in POS and to identify the risks associating POS. Point of sales is basically a combination of hardware and software system. POS system is highly used in restaurants, hospitality, healthcare, jewellery shops, retail stores, wholesale stores, and entertainment sectors.
It manages cash transaction and post-transaction in retail stores. The invention of POS had done in the year 2000. In earlier times POS included the hardware and so...
Ever since its inception, cloud computing has been the buzz word with businesses and companies. The demand is ever-increasing as more and more domains are being automated and supported by AI. Hence, what will increase along is the demand for cloud professionals who are not obsolete and can manage the newer technological trends efficiently.
Let us begin with understanding what does cloud computing mean;
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud Computing refers to delivering internet-based computing services like storage, servers, software, networking, intelligence and analytics to ensure a faster and cheaper mode of operation. The services can be m...
Unit: Data Structure and Algorithms
Unit Code: BIT 204/B01DSAA204
Type of Assessment: Individual Written Assignment
Table of Contents:
Justification of appropriate variables, data types and sizes chosen………………………3
Operations for library system chosen……………………...
AI facilities necessity remained fast developing ended the historical 1 years. They continue lengthily rummage-sale previously – cutting-edge gears such finished method of phones, hunt engines, vehicles, logistics, suitability services, monetary services, industrial processes, community services,and then armed systems. AI is globally-relevant then wounding edge. nonentity necessity a control happening the sole knowledge, influence then potentials he presents; then nonentity container forecast finished slightly cert cutting-edge what method AI determination alter our future.Nonethelesswe container continue unquestionable the spread of AI...