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APA Referencing Style

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Example References For Book.

Example Book Reference

Example In-Text Citation for A Book Reference


APA Referencing Generator: An Introduction

Referencing or the reference page is said to be the last page of your piece of work that helps the readers to locate the sources from where you have taken the information of your work. It is important for you to put the references, so as to acknowledge the writer whose work is used by you to construct the assignment or dissertation. In order to put the references in your paper, you can use a number of styles. One such style is known as the APA referencing style.

APA stands for American Psychological Association. This type of referencing style can be used to put both the referencing as well as the citations to your own piece of work. This type of referencing and citation style is much popular and easy to use. This guide on APA referencing will help you to learn more about how you can put the references and citations to your work using the APA referencing style. The citation can be generator through APA referencing generator. In addition, the APA referencing generator can be used to cite any edition of APA including APA 6TH and APA 7th edition.

APA Referencing

Basic Concepts of APA referencing

APA referencing was created in the year 1929 by the group of managers, anthropologists and psychologists. They originated such type of style so that the consistency and clarity could be maintained in the working of different writers. Often you get your assignment in which it is important to use the APA referencing style and form. But it may be possible that you won't have much knowledge of such type of referencing style.

This Guide on APA referencing is based on the latest 6Th edition of the APA manual and will provide all the general information regarding the referencing and citations in APA style. The following are the important points that should be kept in mind while using the APA referencing style to your piece of work.

The following are the important points that should be kept in mind while putting the references and citations in APA style.

  • Remember to put (or arrange) APA references in alphabetical order.
  • Remember to put the handing intend to the whole reference list.
  • When no information is given regarding the spacing, use double spacing as default for the APA references.
  • In APA referencing, every detail about the work matters. Use it wisely and completely.
  • Remember to put In-text citations to your work.
  • Use the APA page formatting.

Rules for putting References and citations in APA style

Along with the references, it is also important to put the citations to your piece of work in the most appropriate style. It helps the reader to know the thoughts and views of another writer that you have used in your work in the form of quotes or in the form of paraphrased sentences. It also increases the credibility and authenticity of your work. Along with this it also helps you not to get indulged in any type of issues related to plagiarism. APA referencing generator can be used anytime to cite APA reference in the content. It is crucial to cite all the sources to your piece of work because of the following reasons.

  • To make the reader know about your research efforts in writing a particular piece of work.
  • To be a responsible scholar by acknowledging and providing the credit to the author whose work you have used in writing your own paper.
  • To avert from any type of issues related to plagiarism.
  • To provide the reader with a chance to look back into the sources from where you have taken the idea of constructing the thought and contents of your work.

General elements of citations that should be followed are: Last name of the author, First name of the author, (Date of publication), Book or Article or Journal Title, Page number, Volume number and other issue numbers

Example: P. R., Cheng, Q., Simpson, T., &Lourenço, B. (2006). Advertising in SMEs: a “4Ps” self-branding archetypal. International Journal of Commercial Behavior & Investigation..

Citation: (Resnick, Cheng, Simpson & Lourenço, 2006, p. 65)

Note: there, p. refers to a single page

  1. refers to the particular range of pages

There is a wide range of sources that you can use to provide the references and citations to your piece of work. Some of them are:

  • Books
  • Journal Articles
  • Published Reports
  • Interviews
  • Maps
  • Websites
  • E-mails

Referencing and Citing of Books in APA Style

Books with Single Author

The basic structure of referencing and citing a book written by a single author is:

Author’s last name, First name. (Year). Chapter title. Edition. Place of publication:  Publisher.


Singla, P. (2007). Packaging: A Significant Device in the Modern Era of Publicizing. Universal   Journal of Discipline, Business and Computer Technology7(2), 80-82.

Soetan, T. O. (2018). Trends in Higher Education Financing: Evidence of Dwindling        Government Supports and a Case for the Aggressive Marketing of Higher Education  Programs Using the 9 Ps of Marketing. Journal of Marketing Management6(2), 34-43.

Citation: (Singla, 2007, p. 81)

              (Soetan, 2018, p. 40)

Books with more than one Author

Last name of the author (s), First name of the author(s). (Year). Chapter title. Edition. Place of publication:  Publisher.


Laux, P., & Stocken, H. T. (2008). Accounting standards, regulatory enforcement, and innovation. Journal of Accounting and Economics65(2-3), 201-236.

Chychyla, T., Leone, W.A., & Minutti-Meza, K. (2019). The intricacy of monetary reporting morals        and secretarial expertise. Journal of Accounting and Economics67(1), 206-253.

Citation: (Laux & Stocken, 2008, pp. 201-226)

              (Chychyla, Leone & Minutti-Meza, 2019, p. 227)

Note: If in case your reference has more than 3 authors, you should write the name of the first author followed by the word et al. when using the word et al, there is no requirement to write the name of other writers of the paper because the et al itself means “all other”.


Yessberg, M., Landau, P.K., Kosloff, T., Soenke, P., & Solomon, S. (2006). How our means for feeling supreme of death foster prejudice, labeling, and intergroup conflict can effect:       Revulsion organization theory, p. 95.

Citation: (Yessberg, et al., 2006, p. 95)

Books by Organization or Corporate Author

There are certain books that do not have any author on their cover page. Instead of the authors, these books carry the name of the respective organisations or government bodies. These are known as corporate authors. To refer and cite those type of books to your paper you can use the following format:

Organisation name (s). (Year). The full title of the book, Publication, Page (s)


Australian Government-Productivity Commission. (2007). Rising isolationism: Trials,      terrorizations and occasions for Australia. Efficiency Directive Research Paper.        

Retrieved from

Note: In case if your reference does not carry nay Page Number or DOI, it becomes mandatory to add URL to that reference.


(Australian Government-Productivity Commission, 2007)

Books without Any Author

There may be chances when you will use such books that do not carry any author with them. The question here is why you will like to use such books which do not have any other. The right reason for this is that this book may have the most exact material that you want to use in your piece of work. If you are also using such a book in your work, then you just need to follow the below-given format and structure of referencing and citation.

Tantric Previsioning of Tibetan religion. (2017). Routledge, pp. 5-9.  

Citation: (Tantric Previsioning of Tibetan religion, 2017, p. 7)

Chapters from an Edited Book

There are many books which are known as edited books. In those cases, you need to follow an adequate structure to refer and cite the work of the author of a certain book.

Last name of the author (s), First name of the author (s). (Year). Title of the chapter. Title of the book, (eds). Place: Publisher.


Miller, E., (2019). Management and Accounting (eds), On the problems of an organisation, pp.    1-65.

Citation: (Miller, 2019, pp. 6-17)

Referencing and Citing of Articles in APA Style

Journal Article

Journal Articles are the scholarly or the peer-reviewed articles that are written by the professional people and the experts of the respective fields. The best way to get the citation done is APA referencing generator. The Journal Articles of these authors often get published and are known as the published Journal Articles. If you have got an assignment and want to borrow the thoughts and views of a certain author (s), then you can also make the use of the work of these authors and writers. Same as that of the books, it is also mandatory to put the references and citations when you use the work of any of the Journal articles. The following structure and format can be used to put the references and citations of Journal Articles in your own piece of work.

Author (s) first name, Author (s) last names (Year) ‘Article Title’, Volume (issue), pages. 


Watson, L.R. (2006). The human mind and the Psychological context. Communications type,       61(2), pp. 98-150.

Citation: (Watson, 2006, p. 100)

Newspaper Articles

There are times when you will like to use the materials of those authors whose work has been published in a certain newspaper. In case of putting the references and citations for the source like newspaper, the details such as the edition and the publication date can be used instead of putting the volumes and issue numbers.

Last name of the author (s), First name of the author (s). (Year). Title of the article. Name of the newspaper, Page (s). Retrieved from:


Catlete, K. (2019). The lady with the golden hands. The richness Mantra, p. 5

Yoffie, D. B., Gawer, A., & Cusumano, M. A. (2019). A study of more than 250 platforms reveals why most fail. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Citation: (Catlete, 2019, p. 5)

              (Yoffie, Gawer & Cusumano, 2019, pp. 20-38)

Online Database

There is a separate structure that should be used while putting the references and citations for online databases which is:

Last name of the author(s), First name of the author(s). (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume or (issue no). Retrieved from: URL


Healthy Nation (2020). 12- Fast food trend. Retrieved from

Citation: (Healthy Nation, 2020, p. 9)

Note: case of using the references and citations present on the online platform it is important to use the word Retrieved from: following by an adequate URL.

Special Issue

In many cases, there are Articles that are published on some special issues. These articles can also be referred to and cited in your piece of work.


Grody, A. D., Hughes, P., & Reininger, D. (2015). Final report on global identification standards for counterparties and other financial market participants. Journal of Risk Management in      Financial Institutions-Special Issue on Counterparty Risk5(2). Retrieved from

Citation: (Grody, Hughes & Reininger, 2015)

Magazine Articles

Many times, you may find the most useful articles in magazines. These articles from magazines can also be used for referencing and citing in your piece of work. Following is the generalised format or structure that can be used for putting the reference and citations in Harvard style.

Last name of the author (s), First name of the author (s). (Year of publication). Title of Article. Name of Magazine, volume, Page (s).


Savage, C. (2007). barack obama’s Q&a. Boston Globe20.

Citation: (Savage, 2007)

Referencing and Citing of Other Online Sources in APA Style


Many researchers and scholars make use of APA referencing generator to put citation in the content but not all are correctly able to run APA referencing generator. It may be possible that you make get the most relevant content and information on the online platform such as the websites. But you should also keep a check on if the information provided on a certain website is authentic or not. It is important to maintain the record of such sources because it helps you to provide your personal record to your reader so that he can also check the sources. If such information on any of the online website is present in the PDF form, then you can keep the record of such PDF by downloading it. In other cases, you can just cite the URL’s in your reference page. If you find any useful and authentic information from any website and want to use that into your piece of work, then you can follow the below-mentioned reference and citation style.

Last name of the author (s), First name of the author (s). (Year). Web document Title or page (s). Retrieved from: URL.

Gilliland, N. (2018). 10 brilliant examples of content marketing from beauty brands. Econsultancy. Retrieved from

Citation: (Gilliland, 2018)

Note: There are many websites that do not carry date with them. For such cases, it is important for you to write the word (n.d.) in the place of the date.


Singh, S. (n.d.). Top 9 Objectives of Management Accounting. Retrieved from objectives-of-management-accounting/5860

Citation: (Singh, 2019)


Apart from the physical copies of books, there are a number of books which are present on different online platforms. These books are known as E-books. You can also get a number of relevant content from the E-books. Following is the structure that can be used to refer to and cite the book in your work.

Last name of the author (s), First name of the author (s). (Year). Title of Book. Edition (if applicable) E-book. Retrieved from: URL.


Ludden, D. (2006). ACLS History (E-Book). Retrieved from:

Citation: (Ludden, 2006, p. 7)


There may be any published E-mail that you can use in your own piece of work. To use the information from mails, it is also important to refer and cite the mail in your work. The following structure or the format can be used to refer and cite the reference in your own piece of work.

Last name of the sender, first name of Sender, (Year). Subject Line of the mail. [E-mail]


Milton, F. (2019). Discussion on Billboards. [E-mail]

Jeny, G. (2018). Nutrition values to meet. [E-mail]

Citation: (Milton, 2019)

               (Jeny, 2018)

Social Media Sources

In the APA referencing style, it is also possible to put the social media posts and information to your piece of work. Following is the format or the structure that you can use to put reference and citation of social media sources in your own work.

Last name of the author (s), First name of the author (s). (Year). Page Title (up to the first 40 words of post) [Format of social media]. Retrieved from: URL.


Elli, G. (2015). The walk and talk [Facebook]. Retrieved from:

Citation: (Elli, 2015)


It is also possible for you to refer and cite the videos in your own piece of work. It is to be noted that APA referencing generator can also provide you with a correct citation of a video source. The following format and structure can be used to refer to and cite Videos in your piece of work.

First name of Director (s), Last name of Director (s). (Year). Tile of DVD, Film or Video. [Format]. Place: maker.


Milate, K. (Director). (2019). The Atemis Foul. [Film]. U.K. Stranger Studios.

Citation: (Milate, 2019)

YouTube Videos:

Contributor’s Name (s). (Year).  Title of the Video, Series Title (if applicable). [Medium Type]. Retrieved from: URL.


Yumcurry. (2013). Plain custard-The The innovative recipe. [YouTube Video]. Available at

Citation: (Yumcurry, 2013)


You may find some relevant information in the form of pictures that you can use to refer and cite in your own piece of work. For such purpose, you can follow the below-given format or structure to cite the images in your own work.

Last name of the artist (s) or Last name of the photographer (s), First name of the artist (s) or First name of the photographer (s), (Year).  Image Title. [Medium Type]. Retrieved from: URL


Arefin. A. (2016). The City of Joy. [Photograph]. London: The Bridge Library.

Keasbury. T. (2013). The Clock Tower. [Photograph] UK: Gordon Photography Achieve Retrieved from:           5F60112154B3&p=183562&n=0&orientation=0&pn=1&searchtype=0&IsFromSearch=1

Citation: (Keasbury, 2013)


The maps can also be used and cited in your own piece of work using the below given format and structure.

Name of the mapmaker (s). (Year). Map title. Series, number, scale. Place: publisher


Califered, L.W., 1990. Inclesmoor, East Equine of Yorkshere. Native maps and ideas from primitive England. Oxford: Talent Press. L56-61.

Citation: (Califered, 1990)


Many times you may get the most relevant information on various kinds of podcasts. The following is the format and structure to refer and cite the podcasts in your own work.

First name of the author or Broadcaster. (Year). Title of the program or series. [Medium]. Retrieved from: URL


Limitlessfoodie, 2002. We two are the foodies. [Podcast]. Retrieved from:

Citation: (Limitlessfoodie, 2002)

Other Sources

There are several other sources that can be used to take information in your piece of work. These sources and their referencing and citation styles are:


First name of the author (s), Last name of the author (s), (Year). Report Title. Place: Publication

First name of the author (s), Last name of the author (s), (Year). Report Title. Retrieved from: URL


Miling, H., 2011. Global Morals in Airways and Flight Emollient Arenas: The Transfer of  Ecological Law. Colum. O.  Envtl. M.26, p. 23.

Citation: (Miling, 2011, p. 23)


First name of the author (s), Last name of the author (s), (Year). Title of Dissertation. University name. Retrieved from: URL


Bontins, K., 2007. Influence of Administration Guidelines on Tumbling Trade Corruption and Unscrupulous Follows. Harvard University. [Online] Available at    (Accessed on 29-01-2020)

Citation: (Bontins, 2007, pp. 25-64)


Last name of the interviewee, First name of interviewee. and Last name of interviewer, first name of the interviewer. (Year). Interview title. City, Page.


Moron, H. and Bester, F. 2011. Worker Commitment creativities.

Citation: (Moron and Bester, 2011, p. 2)

Presentations and Lectures

Last name of the author, first name of the author, (Year). Title of Lecture.


Ovang, M., 2018. Fasting and Health.

Citation: (Ovang, 2018)


Last name of the performer or writer, First name of the performer or writer, (Year). Title of Music or Recording. [Medium]. City: Label of music.


Maisn, P., 2005. Enchanting. [CD]. Washington: Music CD.

Citation: (Maisn, 2005)


Entry, Year. Dictionary Title. Place: Publisher.


Upside, 2007. Cambridge advanced learner’s dictionary. UK: detectable publications.

Citation: (Upside, 2007)

Word Count

Mobile No