This study is based on the work design pilot at CERA. In CERA there are some gaps of HR department which have been analyzed in this report. On the other hand, the job design and its effectiveness or significance has been analyzed as well. Like this the detail of the job design process can be identified here. Employee innovation is important for CERA thus the job design for employee innovation has been developed in this study. Along with this the job design approaches have given here. However, in terms of developing the business performance tracking the employee performance is important. Thus the performance tracking process with the HR information system has been evaluated in this study. Some recommendations are also there which can be helpful for CERA and their business. At last in conclusion the overall findings of the study have been given as well.
Human resource management is very important for very company and proper human resource management can help the company to run the business successfully in this competitive market. All the business organizations are dependent on the human resources for improving the services effectively. Human resources of the organization can develop new ideas and this can help the organization to develop new product and services easily. CERA is a traditional organization and Mark French is the CEO of this company. The new human resource manager of this company is Israel Tobin. He is a new HR manager of this company and therefore he is facing many challenges to achieve the business goals effectively. It is a traditional organization and therefore here the human resource planning and development are not given utter importance. The main objective of this report is to analyze and evaluate different human resource planning methods for strategically planning the job design for Rachel Amaaro’s department. This can help them to business process effectively. Apart from this the gap analysis has also analyzed here and some steps are also available to overcome those gaps those effectively. Thus the report will be very useful for the company.
In the CERA, the HR manager has the responsibility to manage the human resources effectively. The HR manager of this organization needs to evaluate the whole planning process for achieving the organizational objectives effectively. The labor demand of this organization can be easily fulfilled with the help of proper human resource planning. The human resource manager of CERA is responsible for the sustainability and growth of the organization and therefore in this organization they play a major role to fulfill the need of the organization effectively. Some gap is there and therefore the HR manager needs to perform the gap analysis for predicting the future labor demand of the company easily. Israel Tobin needs to perform the gas analysis for predicting the future labor demand of the company CERA easily (Chakrabarti, 2019). For performing the gap analysis Israel Tobin needs to identify the gaps in the engineering and planning department of CERA. Then the HR manager needs to measure the performance of the department for enhancing the performance of the department easily. Some production gap is therefore and this create negative impact towards the business process of the organization. 20% gap is there in the production process and therefore the company fails to fulfill the market demand effectively. The HR manager needs to focus more on the human resource planning for developing new strategies easily and developing new strategies can definitely the HR manager fulfill the gap effectively. Bringing new workforce or changing the work schedule can definitely help them to enhance the productivities easily and therefore the overall work activities of CERA can be enhanced easily as well. The HR manager of CERA has already measured the gap with the help of transitional matrix and this can also helps them to develop new strategies and making effective job designs (Chakrabarti, 2019). The HR manager needs to determine the organizational objectives for developing new designs easily and developing new designs can definitely help them to fulfill the goal of the organization easily as well.
In the present scenario of CERA there is clear gap between the actual demand in workforce and the available workforce. The organization is facing employee shortage issues and this can create negative impact towards the organization. These employee shortages can be temporarily solved by outsourcing or hiring part time employees. However this is not a long term solution and therefore the HR manager needs to find long term solution for fulfilling the employee gap easily. The HR manager needs to recruit skilled employees and also needs to give them proper training for enhancing the skill of the employees effectively (Altavilla, 2018). Apart from this the HR manager needs to offer user friendly environment for the employees for enhancing the job satisfaction level of the employees effectively. The HR manager can retain their staffs with the help of this easily. Also the HR manager should invest more on the technological instruments for enhancing the production easily and technologically enhancing the production can easily help them to fulfill the workforce gap effectively. The labor shortage problem can be easily solved with the help of this. However some skilled employees are needed to handle these technological instruments and therefore it can also increase the training and development cost of the employees. Thus CERA can also face issues in this case as well.
In terms of running an organization it is important to develop proper human resource planning. In this case proper employee performance and individual innovativeness is important. Like this the company can properly develop their workforce as well as the market performance (Hoddinott, 2018). However, a organization needs to promote the effective working conditions as well as work design for the employees. Basically, the job design is an effective HRM process which can modify the overall working practices of the company. This is how the company can manage their business process along with their productivity. The human resource management of the company needs to keep focus on the job design for their staffs. In this case it can be seen that, the job design can promote the innovativeness of the staffs. On the other hand, the HRM team also can provide some incentives to their staffs in terms of motivating the staffs and this is a part of the job design. The most of the common steps of the job designs can be job simplification, job enrichment, job rotation, as well as the job enlargement (Pfaff, Kaletsch & Broeckmann, 2012). In terms of discussing the work load of the employees can checked as well as reshaping job design with the individual work under load ability. The management properly develops the workforce of the staffs and they try to reduce the challenges of the staffs and this can develop the workforce. With the help of the work design process the company can properly reduce the dissatisfaction level of the employees. When the employees feel satisfied in their workplace then they can effectively understand their job responsibilities (Misdariis & Cera, 2013, September).
As per early discussion it can be seen that, the hob design can provide effective impacts on the performances of the employees. However, the staffs who are innovative as well as pioneering their job responsibilities they can create new or innovative ideas for the business. Like this the company can properly achieve their goals (Di Mascio et al. 2004). Therefore, the job responsibilities must be designed in terms of promoting the individual innovativeness as well as the creativity. However, the innovative job or work design can be non- monotonous and also in is very challenging. The employees also need to have problem solving nature as developing innovative ideas is challenging. In this case it can be seen that, the main objective of the human resource management of the company need to be developing innovative work design with problem solving nature.
The job designing can be an effective process of the HRM and in this case the management properly analyzes job responsibilities along with the skills of the staffs for the job. Like this the workflow can be developed in a well manner. However, there are many job design approaches such as
Human Approach: This is the process here the work design can be created with the help of emphasizing the human resource management or the staffs but not the workflow process of the company. In this case the management analyzes the needs and demands of the staffs and they also provide some rewards to the employees. As per this approach the jobs of the employees need to be satisfied for the employees. The Job enrichment can be identified as the popular method in the human approach. For the employee satisfaction the most two important factors can be motivators as well as the hygiene factors. The motivators’ factors are the factors which can motivate the staffs for working more actively (Geminiani et al. 2018). Providing proper workplace, rewards, salary, career development opportunity, and communication structure can be helpful for the management to motivate the staffs properly. On the other hand, health and safety, reducing wages, good working condition can be identified as the hygiene factors. Thus, if CERA brings the humanistic approach so they can effective develop the employee satisfaction as well as the loyalty. Like this they can work more effectively in their workplace and CERA will get the benefits.
Job Enlargement Approach: Here also the management of the company needs to keep focus on the employee motivation as well as satisfaction. In this case the management can provide proper job responsibilities to the employees as per their qualification and skills. Thus, the employees can get extra responsibilities of work in of their first task. Like this the employees can become more experienced and skilled and in future they can get various positive approaches in their workplace. Thus, the employees can effectively handle several challenges with practical experiences.
Job Enriching Approach: Among all the approaches this can be an effective approach. This also develops the satisfaction of the staffs and their performances also. Mainly, it is related with the work design for reconstructing the jobs with the purpose of developing more challenging as well as motivating work environment (Moloney & McClaren, 2018). Hackman and Oldham had developed this theory in the year 1980. This can explain the overall relationship of the job characteristics along with employee responses on their jobs and responsibilities. There are 5 kinds of job characteristics such as skill varieties, task significance, task identity, autonomy as well as feedback. Basically, these are employees oriented so in terms of developing the hob design these five characteristics are very important.
However, the Human resource department of CERA needs to involve in the discussed approaches. Like this they can effectively create proper work design which is important factor for the performance of the employees. They mainly have too keep focus on the employee satisfaction so time to time they can change the approaches as per the needs and demands of the employees of CERA.
There are different ways of attracting the t talents towards the organization but it is an effective and important task of of HR department of the company to track and measure the employee performance. With the help of proper and valuable performances of the employees the company can gain proper success in their business process. So, observing the performance of the staffs and proper coordination can be helpful for the human resource team to analyze and measure the performance of each employee (Chakrabarti, 2019). Mainly for sustainability of the company employee performance and satisfaction is important. So, the management team needs to develop some plans after tracking the employee performance for those who are not working properly in the workplace.
For developing the business in modern world the human resource management is very impactful. In the companies there are several kinds of employees who perform in different sections. Thus, it has become difficult for the HR department to track or monitor the processes and the performances of the staffs. In this situation the managers have been implementing some HR information system. The information system can be helpful for the management to develop and managing the workforce (Fliser et al. 2011). Mainly, the human resource information system is the software program provide the data to the managers regarding the workforce and the managers can also store the data as well. Like this the managers can efficiently conduct proper decision making process regarding the staffs and the workplace. However, this can be identified as the combination of the modules and the modules can provide some particular jobs to the HR managers. Like this the jobs HR department of the company can effective manage the business. In CERA they have developed the innovating behavioral job design so it is important for the management to analyze and monitor the overall performance of the department of Rachel Amaaro. Like this the management can properly provide some feedbacks to the employees and their performance can be developed with proper recommendations.
Employee Performance Dashboard: This is the technology or software of performance monitoring process. There is a display of the performance meters which can identify by HRM team because it leads to the performance parameters. This is how the managers can identify the quality of the performances of the staffs. Like this the manager can identify the gaps of the performances as well as the problems in the employee performances (Szabó & Németh, 2018, August). So, they can develop some strategies and provide some guides to the employees in terms of developing their performances and reaching their targets successfully. Thus, the HR information system can be helpful for the HR managers to develop the overall performance level of the staffs and the company by analyzing the employee performances.
After analyzing this it can be seen that CERA is facing labor shortage issues within the organization and therefore they need to fulfill this gap for running their business process successfully in this competitive market. Here are some recommendations that can help the company to solve labor issues effectively.
After analyzing the overall report it can be said that CERA is facing labor shortage issues in their production process and therefore they are facing issues to fulfill the market demand easily. CERA needs to promote effective job designs to enhance the performance of the employees easily. Focusing more on promoting job designs can also help them to enhance the satisfaction level of the employees easily. CERA needs to perform gap analysis for identifying the actual gap easily and the company also needs to update their existing workforce for fulfilling the market demand easily. Along with job designs employee monitoring is also important for the organization. The company can adapt HRIS software to monitor the employees effectively and monitoring the employees as well recruiting talented employees can easily help the organization to fulfill the market demand easily.