Huczynski and Buchanan describe learning as "the process of obtaining information via experience that leads to a persistent change in behaviour" (2013). Observational and associative learning are two separate forms of learning.
Albert Bandura (1977, 1986, & 2000) invented the notion of observational learning to eliminate the trial-and-error technique of learning. Associative learning is more time-consuming and dangerous than Observational learning when comparing the two types of learning. Observing through observing may result in the development of new behaviour and a change in previously learned behaviour.
This research has significant consequences for children's exposure to media violence.
Memory is the mental process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968).
Memory is the process of storing and retrieving data over some time. Matlin (2005, Matlin)
Memory-based on the senses. It is very brief; if it isn't stored in short-term memory, it will be forgotten. For example, the memory of a sound, sight, or phrase is only maintained for a second. Memory recall may be hampered by interference. Iconic and echoic memory is two types of sensory memory.
Short-term memory, often known as working memory, is a precursor to long-term memory. It encodes information by holding a small quantity of data for a brief duration, up to seven (+-2) units at a time. We can keep information in working memory by repeating it. For example, to remember a phone number, we repeat it numerous times. It is, however, readily forgotten. One's surroundings and environment influence working memory.
Long-term memory is more difficult to master. It has an endless capacity and can store information for an extended period or the rest of one's life. In terms of long-term memory, there are three types:
Procedural memory (unconscious) is a subtype of implicit memory (previous experience) (e.g., musicians, in language development).
Episodic and semantic memory are subsets of Declarative memory, which is a subset of Explicit memory (conscious) and stores and recalls information and experiences (e.g., Learning to swim)
To summarise, there is no such thing as learning without memory.
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