After the Middle Ages era ended in the year 1400, it was the start of the Renaissance period. During the Middle Ages, it has acknowledged that the Church had the responsibility for most of the people. People didn't have many rights in their hands. This was when the big chance arrived in the form of the Renaissance period. This change was the need of the time, and it started in Europe first and eventually lasted there for more than 300 years.
During this time, the common man witnessed different types of prospects in the form of literature, art, and even science. This is when man's view on man as well got changed, and the reasons were these three important segments of the Renaissance period.
During this period, the man got to relish and witness different styles of art. This was when the view of the man related to itself got changed. They started comparing the difference between the arts, and eventually, they established a completely different point of view about the same. Duccio di Buoninsegna's painting "Madonna Enthroned Between two Angles" had a reason behind it. It was made because of the religious need as specified by the Church.
But, when we come to Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, it is completely different in every aspect. It not only brought the presentation of a new style but also added new dimensions to the world of painting that played a huge role in terms of changing man's view of man. The painting Mona Lisa had three-dimensional figures and landscapes that were never seen before. In this way, art completely changed the view of man by throwing new styles and tones with every passing day in the Renaissance period.
This means there was a sense of artistic freedom in this period of time that led man to think and express himself the way he wanted or perceive the world. As there was a freedom of expressing artistically, the man's view kept on changing his thinking process. This shows how Art played a huge role in changing the viewpoint of man about itself. But, this is not it.
As stated above, only art was not the contributor when it came to changing man's view of man. The field of literature also witnessed a huge difference in the Renaissance period that led to a change in the thinking process. If you are wondering how then the below-mentioned example can certainly help how literature contributed to the change in the thinking process.
William Shakespeare's Hamlet came with the phrase "in apprehension how like a god!" There is a reason behind the respective states. During that time, people considered themselves to be like God. This means that they believed that they belonged to God and were beautiful creatures. They started thinking of themselves as angels or as beautiful pieces of art created by God.
The people kept thinking that they were beautiful creatures in every aspect, and this eventually made it possible for a man to think differently about himself and the actions they took. In the book Every Man, the author describes the situation in the form of "Ye [ man ] think sin is beginning full sweet."
During the time of the Middle Ages, people were acknowledged as sinners and how God had created us. In fact, people were turning themselves to God by performing Sin activities. In this way, literature as well played its part in terms of changing Man's view of man by letting them know how god-like beautiful creatures they are in different ways.
Another aspect that played an integral role in making a man think differently is the domain of science. We all know science is a huge field of study, but in the Renaissance period, Astronomy was at its peak. This segment of science literally made man's view of man change in a broader way. If you are thinking about how then take a look at the below-mentioned example that can certainly make it easy for you to understand how astronomy brought this change.
In the time of Middle Ages, people believed the idea and concept of a geocentric universe. But, this was challenged in the Renaissance period with the concept of the Heliocentric universe presented by Copernicus. When it comes to the geocentric universe, it means that all the planets and Sun revolve around the planet Earth. But, with as per the Heliocentric concept, every single planet and bodies are revolving around the Sun. This concept challenged how Church back then used to believe in the Middle Ages. In fact, challenging the concept of the geocentric universe in the time of the Middle Ages was a punishable act. People were sentenced to death because of this action.
But fortunately, the Church was not able to kill the people as they realized that they were not correct. In this way, Astronomy played its role in changing man's view of man by making the Church lose its hold and control over the people. As people started having their own views scientifically, the perception and thinking process changed, and it brought in better results in the coming time.
Last Words
This shows how Man's view of man changed during the Renaissance period. The biggest contributor to this part has to be art, literature, and science. It allowed people get the freedom to express their views, and eventually, no one was under anyone's control or grip. Changes took time, but they eventually did happen, and things got better in the Renaissance period.
Author: Edward Carey
Profile: English Litterature & Essay Writing Analyst
Designation : Professor At Texas University