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Best Affordable Report Writing Help Online In Australia

A report is an essential aspect of academic writing that is built on the original research of an author pertaining to a specific subject, and reflects the analysis and interpretation of the topic, as well as the research findings and conclusions, arrived at after the completion of the research.

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Students can reach out and connect to us any time of day or night and clarify their doubts and our team of experts are always to assist them. Regardless of what time it is, we are always at your service to ensure that all your enquiries are attended to.  Hence you can avail of our report writing services and gain an insight to report writing.
This article aims to provide an inclusive guide to students on how to write a good report.

Points to be kept in mind while choosing a topic for a Report according to the experts atLiveWebTutors

Ensure that the topic for your report is relevant. The topic of a report should be unique and not overlap with your peers. This tends to devalue the uniqueness of your report. Consult with your supervisor while choosing your topic. Your supervisor may assist you in discovering a suitable topic. Once you have selected your topic for your report, get it approved by your supervisor. The following are some of the points that should be taken while writing a report:

  1. Relevance of the topic

If a student is provided with a topic for a report, then it is mandatory for a student to write on the prescribed topic as closely as possible. Otherwise, the student should choose a topic that has been taught in class. In case a student is confused regarding the choice of a topic, it is advisable to take the help of professors, teachers, graduate assistants or seniors.

  1. The chosen topic should be interesting

If a student is writing a report that will eventually be published in a ‘peer-reviewed journal, it is important that the student chooses a topic that is challenging, interesting and thought-provoking as the report will be studied and reviewed by at least two other researchers and it is important that the paper impresses them.

  1. Choose an Under-Researched area of your subject

While choosing a topic for your report, it is advisable to undertake research on an area that has not been sufficiently studied. Regardless of which subject you choose, cutting-edge research in a relatively new area is always valued. However, if you choose a topic that has already been explored several times, the probability of you coming up with unique and inventive research is slim.

Tips of Choosing a Topic for your Report according to the team of experts at LiveWebTutors

It is advisable to keep the following points in mind while choosing a topic for your report:

  1. The Central Argument of your Topic: Ideally, your topic should be based on the central argument of your research, explaining your thoughts in a clear and coherent manner backed by facts and evidence.
  2. Amend your topic if required: At times it may happen that while writing your report or undertaking research pertaining to your topic, you may feel inclined towards researching on a difficult area of your subject. In such a case, you can change the topic for your report.

Structure of a Report

A Five Paragraph Essay Is The Classic Format: A report should comprise an introduction where you introduce your topic. This is followed by a Discussion or the body of the essay and lastly the Conclusion.

The Style of Writing a Report

It is advisable to write in a simple style bereft of convoluted sentences and jargon. Your writing should have a convincing argument with the conclusion reflecting your thoughts and opinions and not merely a summary of the thoughts of other writers and critics. Be original and creative. While writing your report, it is advisable to divide your report into paragraphs. Each report should elucidate a separate idea. The paragraph should begin with an introductory sentence followed by the central idea, backed with examples and requisite information and examples. You should also ensure that you cite all the reference materials that you use.

Edit and Proofread your report

After you have finished writing your report, edit and proofread your work. Check the structure of your report and ensure that you have used the correct format. Be sure to proofread your report and check for punctuation errors, grammatical errors, errors in the construction of sentences, spellings etc. Revise and double-check your paper to ensure that the sentences are well constructed and there is a smooth flow of thoughts with paragraphs flowing into each other effortlessly.

Check for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and punctuation marks and make changes if required. Delete irrelevant sections and improve expressions by altering the vocabulary. Ensure that your report does not exceed the word count or fall short of it. Finally, write the final draft of your essay and submit it within the cutoff date.

Tips to write a good Introduction and Conclusion according to the experts atLiveWebTutors

  • Write the Introductory paragraph: After you have chosen a topic for your report, write an interesting introductory paragraph. Make the introduction of your report interesting in order to draw and retain the attention of your readers.
  • Write the body paragraphs: In this section of the report, you should describe, explain or put forth your arguments. Each paragraph should elucidate a separate idea. The paragraph should begin with an introductory sentence followed by the central idea, backed with examples and requisite information and examples. You should also ensure that you cite all the reference materials that you use.
  • Write the Conclusion paragraph: The conclusion of a report provides you with a chance to summarize your ideas. Make it short and concise. Refrain from introducing new ideas while writing your conclusion and only summarize your previous arguments. You may choose to support your stance once again.

Editing and proofreading your report: After you have finished writing your report, edit and proofread your work. Below is a list of editing and proofreading tips:

  • Pay attention to Capitalization and Acronyms
  • Check Hyphens and hyphenated words, Em Dashes, and En Dashes
  • Check spellings
  • Check for grammatical errors
  • Check to ensure that there is no error in language and construction of sentences and paragraphs.
  • Check Headings and Formatting
  • Check to ensure that you have cited all your references, otherwise your essay will be considered a plagiarized piece of work.
  1. Plagiarism: Plagiarism can be termed as wrongful appropriation or stealing and publication of the thoughts, language, expressions or ideas of another writer and passing it off as one’s own. Plagiarism is an example of academic dishonesty, violates trust and is a breach of ethics. Using the writing of others without acknowledging them is an act of plagiarism. Students caught indulging in plagiarism, can fail in their exams, undergo academic probation, or even expulsion.
  2. Referencing and Citations: A reference provides the readers with the particulars about the source and offers an understanding of the nature of the source material that is used and also gives the reader an option to find the source if required. The references are always listed at the end of the report. A citation informs the readers of the source of particular information. While writing a report, essay, thesis, term paper, dissertation or any other piece of writing, it is absolutely mandatory to refer and cite your sources, clearly mentioning their origin and acknowledging the respective writers whose works you have referred to while writing your essay.

Various styles of Referencing: There are several ways of citing resources. Listed below are some examples:

  • APA
  • MLA
  • AMA
  • ACA
  • IEEE
  • NLM
  • AAA
  • APSA

Various Sources of Research

  • Libraries
  • JSTOR, an esteemed digital database that provides access to thousands of articles and journals to scholars and students in over one hundred and fifty countries.
  • Internet

Preparing a Bibliography

Bibliography: The bibliography is the last section of your report and lists all the references that you have used while writing your report. A bibliography is written in alphabetical order. It is advisable to divide the references into books, journals, internet resources to make the section neat and tidy.

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