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Use PEEL Paragraph To Write Perfect Essays

Use PEEL Paragraph To Write Perfect Essays
cal LiveWebTutors cal 18 Jan, 2020

An essay is a way of writing where the author shares his view on a particular topic. Here the writer will be expressing what is his or her view on a specific topic in the form of observation, criticism, learning, or any other aspects. So, it will be drafted keeping different aspects in mind which will help one understand the respective topic as an expression. This form of essay is basically drafted in the form of PEEL. Yes, this means here one is more elaborating about POINT, and that too with the help of EVIDENCE keeping the EXPLANATION correct and precise to LINK with the topic.

So, all in all, one needs to PEEL paragraph while drafting essays when it expresses the views on a specific topic! This type of writing is basically taken into consideration for educating a particular audience about a particular topic and helping them understand more about the topic in detail.

While drafting the PEEL paragraphs of your essay you need to keep a number of things in mind and we will help you understand what they are,

take a look:-

  • Point – It is important that you start your essay with a bang and for this, you need to get the things rolling right from the first line itself. Yes, you need to make sure that the first line of your essay straight gets to the point which can catch the attention of the readers and help you achieve the results you are looking for. After a cracking first line, you need to elaborate more about the topic and help readers acknowledge where your essay will heading and with what purpose. The right use of argument and information get your start excellent and helps readers to remain hooked till the end. If there is anything irrelevant in your essay through, it can cost you a lot. So, everything needs to be the point and for the point.
  • Evidence – When you have made your point clear, it’s time for you to back your point with evidence. Yes, you need to research the information which makes your point clear and supports your argument completely. So, this will prove that your content is legitimate and makes sense to the fullest. For this, you need to spend time researching and gathering as much evidence as possible because it will help you convince your readers even more significantly.

Evidence is of various types such as digital, personal, physical, testimonial, etc. The evidence should be able to prove the point you are trying to make. The evidence can be your most significant achievement while writing your essay. It convinces your readers about the point you have made. 

However, the evidence in your assignment must be true and fair.

  • Explanation – After you are done with the point and evidence part, it is time for you to bring your view into context. Yes, your point and evidence need proper explanation so that the readers can get a complete understanding of your view and what is the purpose behind the respective essay. You need to make sure that the drafted explanation is not wordy but to the point which helps users to get to know what actually the entire essay is all about and how correct you are in expressing your views. So, it is important that you always keep things simple while drafting an explanation because complicating things can work against you. If you have any issues while drafting this part of your essay, you contact the assignment help team and give yourself the best chance to cover it without any issues at all. Any kind of mistake can literally confuse the readers and work against you.
  • Link – When it comes to drafting the link portion of your essay, you need to understand the two purposes it will showcase. The first part will be more about the explanation of the point which reflects the message of your essay with complete clarity. The next purpose of your link has to be moving towards a completely new segment keeping the flow of the essay perfectly which makes the readers feel connected all the time. So, you need to make certain that the drafted paragraphs are always related and connected which can convince the readers a lot more.

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