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How to Create Your Own Study Guide?

How to Create Your Own Study Guide?
cal LiveWebTutors cal 10 Dec, 2019

Preparing for an exam can prove to be stressful especially if you lack adequate resources. Moreover, when you do not know where to begin, how to plan and go ahead etc, you get distressed. Hiring online assignment help will ease the task. Using a style guide can save you from stress by helping you figure out what you have already prepared and what you need to study. Prior to discussing how to create your own study guide, let us begin with what it is.

What is a Study Guide?

As the name implies, the study guide is an aim containing printed notes. The guide is designed with the aim to assist students with the learning process. It emphasizes important concepts to be learned and competencies to be picked up during the tenure of the course. It also discusses and reviews topics to be covered.

They can make the entire process of preparing for study much more manageable. Here is a quick look at the basics first.

The beginning is important so begin with the basics first:

If you want to ace the exams, you need to work right from the beginning. You cannot create a style guide if you have not taken up any assignments and failed to understand the concept. So, it is good to be prepared just the right way. Be present and attentive in class, do the requisite readings, complete the homework assigned to you, and engage in group discussion with your peers. If you are doing this consistently, creating a style guide and acing your exams will be easier.

Use Notes, Reading, and Homework Assignments:

Nursing is one of the most commonly pursued courses whether or not you have chosen nursing assignment help, keep a copy of assignments given to you, it will help you create a study guide. Always remember that your notes, your homework assignments, and your reading assignments are very helpful in preparing your study guide. So, go through the assigned reading and the classroom notes again and again. It will help you zero out which topics your faculty spends most time on, and what are the ideas or concepts that are commonly discussed in the class.

Focus on the content of the course is very important. So, you need to compile notes is very important to create a study guide that is the all-inclusive and clear version of the class notes. Do not copy word by word and try to understand the basic concept.

Handwrite Your Study Guide and Paraphrase:

In fact, typing is faster but handwriting is much more powerful. When you handwrite your guide you are sorting through the important information and writing it down. This will help you learn the information available before you. Make sure that you have put the information in your own words. If you are able to paraphrase well, you understand the term, likely to remember them.

Focus on the Main Concepts of Each Chapter:

If you have nursing assignments to be done you should seek the nursing assignment help London and begin to focus on the important concepts of a particular chapter or section. Focusing on more important information is essential. You need to make sure that you have reviewed the subjects prior to writing on them.

Seek Out Additional Explanations, Resources, and Definitions:

The most important of all is to pay heed in the class and to the topic on which the teacher is laying emphasis. So, make it a habit to prepare notes, read them at home, and understand the concept of what is being taught in the class and marked as important. You can try summarising and paraphrasing the content which can help you evaluate whether you have understood the concept. Trust the feeling of your gut and move on to research more on the important topics. Explore a particular concept to its fullest, and find out additional resources, definitions, and explanations.

Gather handouts, previous study guides, tests, etc. for your final exams, and have an upper hand over others. If you have a palpable amount of information available before you, you will fare better. Make sure to include all the important concepts elaborately from the different sources.

Condense the Information Available With You:

Most important of all is condensing the study materials that are available before you into manageable sections. The main purpose of the study guide is to make studying much more convenient. Your study guide should be handy and ready to take anywhere before the exams. All the sections of the information should be marked clearly in bold and organized in a numbered or bulleted list for easy access.

Consult Your Teaching Faculty:

Most important of all, consult your teaching faculty for the pattern of the exam and how much the objective and subjective portion would cover so that you can focus on making your studying guide accordingly. But, do remember that it is just a summary and a convenient option for the lengthy textbook so be precise as much as you can and make the best possible use of it.

Study guides are an important tool that helps you alleviate your stress. If a lot of material is being covered in the study guide then consolidating it will be very difficult. Hence you need to be tricky sorting out the main information to be focused and finding a suitable design that can work the best for you. Preparing a style guide is all about organizing important information in the most user-friendly way.

The study guide caters to your particular needs and helps you ace your exams. So, stop getting overwhelmed and save yourself from a lot of stress by strategizing and preparing a style guide.

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