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How Do Professors Feel About Grading Papers?

How Do Professors Feel About Grading Papers?
cal LiveWebTutors cal 11 May, 2020

Every student wants to grab top grades in the examination and strive for the same. But, only a few of them are able to impress professors with their assignments because most of the time they fail to produce a desirable quality. Hence, taking online assignment help for the same is always recommended. Those who want to write their own assignments should be aware of the psychology of the examiner and how they feel about grading their papers.

We have come up with a complete insight into how professors feel about grading papers. It has been rightly said that professors love teaching but they do not like grading your assignments and more than that they get little time to go through and evaluate your paper. Different professors have different feelings about writing and handling your papers. They may have different mindsets and moods while evaluating semester papers.

It is hard for them to make out which papers would be fun to read and worth getting top grades initially. But, when students try to write their own assignments like essays without any professional essay writing help, they should keep in mind that the first impression matters a lot and hence they should pay heed to formatting and styling.

A properly formatted and cleanly written paper leaves a great first impression and motivates professors to read more.

Professors Look for Clear-cut Approach:

The main purpose of giving assignments is to see whether the students have grabbed the concept well or not. So, they try to look forward to a clear-cut approach in solving the papers, writing essays, or doing any other assignment. If the students seem to be beating around the bush, trying to create a mess with their words, they fail to impress.

So, whether it is a technical subject like accounting or a subjective subject like literature, it is good to have a clear-cut approach. If students follow a clear-cut approach it is a manifestation of the fact that they have understood the concept well. It is easy to get top grades by following a strategy of clear-cut writing. It is good to take a look at the papers done by a professional accounting assignment to help to know what a well-written paper is.

Content Matters More Than Style:

Professors are experienced subject experts who know that different students have different writing abilities and hence they are not much bothered about which writing style are they following. Students are able to score more if the content is information-rich, properly formatted, good to read, and presentable. Students have to keep in mind that they are not given the test where their writing abilities would be judged and marked accordingly. On the contrary, they are judged for what they have listened to and understood in class. For most professors, content matters much more than the style.

The quality of the material presented in the assignment helps the professors find out whether the students have been attending classes regularly and can assess how well their understanding has been addressed in the assignment.

Some Professors Are Subjective in Grading:

Most of the professors are subjective in grading. They read the entire assignment carefully and then grade it. So, it is difficult to say whether just proper formatting or a good handwriting matters more or an information-rich content. If professors are reading assignments right from the beginning till the end then the content should be immensely good and information-rich. If the assignment is essay writing, an introduction that can grab the interest of the readers and a conclusion that can leave a great impact should be written to obtain high grades.

Most of the Professors Use Grading Rubrics:

Professors use the grading rubric to break down how the papers should be graded. Some of the papers are subjective in nature and others are objective. A grading rubric is used for knowing which section is to be marked and how. So, students need to be aware of the marking criteria and should know which section will be marked how so that they can focus on them accordingly. It is good to know how the grading rubric works actually because, in all probability, graders will use that rubric. Some professors review the paper and provide comments finally on them for assigning grades. However, researches are there to prove that even the same grader can grade differently so complete care needs to be taken.

Step-by-step Presentable Work:

Written assignments are more intense, there are definitions and step-by-step sequential work. A presentable work is like the first impression on the minds of evaluators. If the work is presentable it will motivate the instructor to read more. Lengthy assignments actually take a couple of hours or even more to read fully and grade but if the work is presented sequentially with a proper bullet and numbering at the right places, the entire assignment seems to be great and can help the writers fetch top grades.

Efforts should be directed toward making the entire assignment presentable and easy to read. It is good to make use of a good vocabulary if it is an assignment on paragraph or essay writing. Otherwise, it is good to be simple and make use of easy words.

Different Assignments Have Different Marking Schemes:

It is tough to say which assignment would be evaluated on what basis. But, there are different types of assignments and different types of marking schemes. Different types of assignments are graded differently. If the assignment is subjective in nature it becomes a little difficult to grab good grades in that. If the assignment is technically oriented like writing the case analysis or doing accounting assignments, a top grade can be expected.

Most of the professors judge the assignment on an initial level and if assignments appear to be good, begin, and end well they are likely to get good grades in that. As a matter of fact, they rarely get enough time to read through the entire paper when they have stacks of 20-30 or even more papers to evaluate and grade.

They Pay Heed to Grammar and Spelling Errors and See Whether the Work is proofread:

Most important of all, spellings, grammar, or any factual errors leave a bad taste in the mouth of instructors. So, fixing mistakes and any type of other errors should be a prime task for every student. However well an assignment may have been written if it is laced with grammar, spelling, or factual errors it would not be worth getting good grades. Whether the professor reads your paper fully or just has a glance over it, errors are easier to spot. Some professors write notes on the margins and write down why the marks are deducted from the assignments.

Proofreading is the most important task that students should be doing to grab good grades if they want to grab good grades in their assignments. When a professional assignment writing service is hired, a quality assurance team makes sure to check the entire work before submission because they know that this is a very important consideration of grading papers that professors take care of.

Before knowing how the professors grade the assignments, it is important to note that they do not spend much time evaluating a single paper. At the most, they can spend 10-15 minutes on a paper and then they move to the next. Hence it is good to be presentable and bring the best possible that can be easily noted on the paper. If students fail to bring the desired impact on the mind of the professor they end up compromising their grades which is the last thing they want and hence utmost care of formatting and presentation has to be taken. Writing an assignment can be a difficult task indeed when students lack the time or fail to understand the concept of the topic given.

Hiring an online assignment help that has a good reputation in the market is the best thing that students can do. Live Web Tutors is a trusted name in the market and has been highly rated and recommended by its past and present customers. The service has been there for around a decade and has been fulfilling the diversified assignment writing needs of students pursuing different streams. Whatever their assignment writing needs may be, it is catered to by this service provider with the commitment to on-time and hassle-free delivery.

Apart from that, any type of customization needs are fulfilled by this service provider and students are assured about a very high quality that can help them grab top grades. Whether you need financial accounting help or marketing assignment help or help on any other stream, just reach out to this notable assignment writing service and get a huge respite.

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