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Guide to Writing a Marketing Research Report

Guide to Writing a Marketing Research Report
cal LiveWebTutors cal 15 Jun, 2020

Guide To Writing A Marketing Research Report

A marketing research report is a statement that is devised by the marketing team of an organization. The company uses non-quantifiable and quantifiable details to analyze market situations of a specific sector.   They also help to analyze marketing trends. We are discussing how you can write the marketing research report. If you are finding it difficult to write the assignment or research paper then you can take the support of online assignment help.

Tips to write marketing research report

Perform market survey- The market survey is the primary step to write a marketing research paper. The survey linked to marketing needs non-quantifiable and quantifiable data. They need information from the sample consumer group. The sample is carefully selected or randomly chosen as per the company’s needs.

You must have clarity of research objective-

If you are finding it difficult to write the essay then you can take the support of essay writing help. The surveys are conducted based on objectives. Certain surveys are customer-oriented while others are brand-oriented and equity research. There are many surveys like brand name testing, brand equity research, commercial eye-tracking, and ad tracking that are performed to test the link of brand with customers. The product surveys include distribution channel audits, demand estimation, and test marketing. Also, other sample surveys are performed to reveal customer behavior.

Do situational analysis-

The marketer moves to the company’s survey and position. The market researcher can perform two kinds of analyses such as external analysis and internal analysis. They also use many marketing tools such as PESTEL, SWOT, and porter’s five force model. These tools help organizations to recognize advantages over competitors. If you discuss the sample of the situational analysis of a company then Marks & Spencer. If you see the situational analysis by SWOT and PESTEL then it is analyzed that it is a portion of luxury food, clothing, and homeware multinational retailers. It has its headquarters in Westminster, London.

The full form of PESTEL is political, economic, social, technological, ethical, and legal analysis. If you will see the political analysis of Marks & Spencer then it is analyzed that it is involved in political controversy. It is a pro-zionist. Economic analysis is analyzed as that the organization must learn from the 1997 or 1998 incident. The profit is pushed to untenable levels. Also, the organization depends on British supplies.

Social analysis tells that it has involved in charitable and social causes. The organization implements an environment-friendly and fair trade policy. It is linked with charitable causes. It has followed the policy where a Muslim can refuse to offer services such as alcohol and pork to people. In the year 2000, it has removed St. Michael's brand and filled it with its brand as a part of the innovation strategy.

We are explaining the SWOT analysis of Marks & Spencer. Strengths: It is 125 years old brand having quality products in clothing, luxury food, and home products. Weakness: They have many weaknesses. It is quite an expensive brand that relies on British supplies. It gets failed to attract young people and lack trends and styles. Opportunities: It requires attracting business opportunities. Marks & Spencer has around 800 stores in the UK and approximately 300 stores in other locations. The brand is required to improvise the distribution network. Threats: The retail sector is dominated by Asos, Tesco, and Debenhams. They have a threat from online shopping.

Create an effective marketing mix by using 4ps  

The 4Ps of marketing is the product, price, place, and promotion. You have to devise an effective strategy for creating innovative policies for the product. The marketer also works on pricing and places where the product is required to be sold. So, the marketer must be equipped to devise effective strategies. For example, if we do a marketing mix for sugar-free chocolates of Nestle that is being launched in Europe. 


Kit Kat is a four-finger bar that depicts its brand value. So, changing the product is quite harmful. The Sugar-free version is the alternative that is sold with the original version.


It is competitively priced. The sugar-free version can’t be quite expensive as compared to its original version.


It is recommended that a new product must be sold in various other locations such as cigarette vendors, new stalls, and supermarkets.


The consumers associate with the tagline to have a break and have a KitKat. So, marketers should not alter any other tagline.

So, if you are facing any problem in writing the assignment then you can take the support of marketing assignment help. You can conduct a market survey for collecting data. The collected data can be used to perform a situational analysis of the organization. You can also use any tools such as PESTEL, SWOT, and Porter’s five.

How assignment help can support students with the marketing assignment?

If you think that you are facing a lot of problems in submitting the assignment on time then you can take the support of assignment writing services. If you want to do the accounts assignment then you can also take the support of accounting assignment help. You can also get the free samples and quotes for the assignment. After seeing the samples you can place the order.

Steps to be taken for writing effective marketing report

Marketing strategies must be designed on the profile of the target market. The marketers are designed to define characteristics, demographics, sending ability, and income. Market research help to understand target before spending money and time. The gathered data must be presented in the form of a research report. We are discussing certain steps that must be followed and will be helpful to write the marketing assignment help.

  1. You can collect the information that you have gathered from market research. You can compile survey outcomes, review data from various sources, and analyze statics. It will help you to depict the size of the market. You can analyze details for determining the target market profile.
  2. You can write the important matter of the report including summary and analyzed results. You can write an introduction and offer an overview of the business. You can also write the reason for which you have conducted market research.
  3. You can make a list of research methods in your report. You can mention the number of surveys, responses, and methods for conducting the survey, people surveyed, and questions in the survey. You can recognize resources for census data.
  4. You can also create graphs, tables, and matrices. You can also incorporate the pictorial representation in the next section of your market research report. You can write the conclusions. If you are facing any problem in writing the finance assignment then you can take the support of finance assignment help.
  5. You can conclude the report with the recommendations in the result section. If the target market gives the priority to virtual communication then you must conduct the marketing through digital methods like online sites and social media.

How you can write the marketing research report like a professional?

Has the teacher asked you to write the marketing research report? Are you finding it quite difficult to write the marketing report? There is no need to panic and you can take the support of online assignment help.

The writing services will help to write an effective and impeccable marketing assignment. If you want to write the marketing research report as a professional then you can take the help of these tips.

The market research report is a paper that depicts market trends, data, competitive analyses, and consumer behavior. It enables businesses to recognize opportunities.

Hence, we are discussing certain tips to do the marketing assignment

Understand the objectives of the paper

You must understand the key objectives of the paper.

Research and research

Before you start to write, you must understand the subject matter. The market that you are analyzing, you must find required information like consumer behavior and market dynamics.

Draft an outline

Don’t start writing if you are not organized. You must draft an outline and create an overview of the research paper. Then you can start writing in sections such as a table of contents, title page, methodology and background, introduction, executive summary, conclusion, results, and appendix. If you are facing any issue in doing essay then you can take the support of essay writing help.

Incorporate relevant findings

You must not include everything that you have researched has to be written in the paper. You can incorporate details to achieve the objectives. Don’t incorporate information just for doing it.

Use graphs and charts

You can incorporate data and present in the form of charts and graphs. They are the main thing in every research paper. You have to make sure that the research report is easy to understand and read.

Use images

you can also articulate pictures to attract readers and keep them engaged. The visual data is easy to read and retain.

Write succinctly

You have to write crisp content that is easy to read and understand. You must avoid losing your marks.

Include an appendix

As you research your marketing report and write the report then you may discover some information. You can take into concern about the subject matter. The appendix is mentioned at the end of the report. You can include an appendix in your marketing research report. If you are finding any issue in writing the marketing assignment then you can take the help of finance assignment help.

Proofread and edit

Before submitting the report you must proofread and edit the content. This can be done by accounting assignment help. The proofreader proofread about spelling and grammar errors. You must check for errors in the first draft itself. Then you can look for errors and rectify them. You have to make sure that the research paper doesn’t have any mistakes. You have to check thoroughly for the mistakes and errors before finally submitting the content.

Ask someone to read the report

After you have gone through the paper you must ask some friend or relative to go through the market research paper. Ask them to read the entire paper. If they will read them then they can look for mistakes and errors that may have been left during proofreading.

Hence, if you want to write the impeccable marketing research report then you can take the help of assignment help services. They have a team of writers, editors, and researchers. The researchers research about the content and make sure that they don’t copy the content. The writers write the content and make sure that the content is not copied. Also, they cite the resources from where the content is taken. The content is taken from trusted sources such as an online library, research paper, and online journals. You can also refer to your class notes.

If you are finding it difficult to do the articles on finance then you can take the help of my assignment help. They will provide original content and unique content. The proofreader edits and proofreads the content. They make sure that the research paper is not having any errors and mistakes. They proofread for sentence formation, grammar, spelling, and much more. They make sure that there is proper flow of content from starting till the end.

So, you are not required to take any pain when assignment writing services are here. They will help to provide error-free service. You are just required to place the order on the website. Then the expert will be assigned to you. The expert will try to understand the requirement and will provide the required service.

He will also provide the quote as per your need. So, you are required to get register with the assignment services. Then you can have a look at the samples. After looking at the samples you can place your order. The assignment help services are aware of the guidelines of various colleges or universities. So, you can take the support of online assignment services.

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