Exam Tips: The Exam name brings anxiety for all of us. However, we need to understand that the exams are not meant to make us realize what we do not know; it instead intends to make us understand the extent of our knowledge and our areas of improvement.
Still, most of us take a lot of stress before and during exams, which might bring nervousness and spoil our performance and thus our grades.
To combat this, this article comes with a suggestion of some easy-to-practice ways to reduce and beat the stress that exams might cause. And you can also read this article on Stress and Mind Management to get a better overview to avoid Exam stress better.
Most of us make the major mistake we start rigorous and serious studies only when the exams are closer.
However, in case we maintain a consistent flow of studies throughout the year, we would be able to have better preparation at hand and not be stressed about the last-minute rushing, where we might be unable to understand a lot of topics.
While you may find it easier to mug the answers to the questions at the exam time, it is instead advised that even if you can understand lesser concepts, you should prioritize that.
This is because even though you may forget what you just mugged in, you will never forget what you understand in detail, and hence you will be relieved of the stress because you know the topics.
The typical way that we all study is by collecting and making notes. However, we tend to lose focus in several instances due to unorganized notes. They must be appropriately placed in files or notebooks to have a smooth learning experience, thus reducing stress.
Our mind needs some breaks and works more effectively after the necessary holidays than in continuous studies. There is little that we can understand when we are exhausted from studying.
It is advisable to take a walk in the fresh air if you feel that you cannot understand topics and feel stressed. This works well.
While we make various routines to be followed, we tend to lose tracking them several times. It is essential to follow the routine to work correctly and evade any stress.
The significance of sleeping well during exam preparation and exams helps a great deal in reducing exam stress.
A good night's sleep assists the brain in assimilating novel knowledge into the brain's long-term memory such that it can be recalled when the need arises.
As far as possible, try and study in an environment where there are no or few distractions to concentrate well while studying.
This is important because studying with distractions inhibits learning, and thus you may take much longer to understand a topic compared to what it should have taken. You can also follow this guide in the Student Stress Management Guide.