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Best Career Opportunities after Completion of Nursing Degree

Best Career Opportunities after Completion of Nursing Degree
cal LiveWebTutors cal 04 Dec, 2019

Nursing is an academic course in which an individual is educated, trained and evaluated for their skills which are focused to facilitate and ensure the care for individuals, families and communities so that they can acquire, maintain and/or recover to their optimum physical and mental and quality of life. But you already knew that, didn’t you?

So right here and right now, we are going to take you through the scope of a nursing degree and what are the employment opportunities that you have as a certified nurse. As a nurse, you can practice in multiple specialties with varying levels of prescription authority. As we have seen through ages, that nurses provide care within the jurisdiction of physicians, nurses are not obligated to impart care under a physician. In fact, nurse practitioners are sanctioned by jurisdictions to practice with utmost independence in multiple settings.

There are 4 branches of nursing: Adult nursing, Child nursing, Learning Disability Nursing and Mental Health Nursing. Being qualified in even one of the degree programs will make you capable of finding employment in hospitals, schools, community centres or work independently and care for the sick and injured.

Career Opportunities Post Completion of Your Nursing Degree

Let me start by saying this, the opportunities are endless,literally. Statistically, the demand for nurses in UK has been increasing at an average of 17% between 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. There are approximately 790 nurses for every 100,000 residents in UK, and 520 vacancies for the same number of residents in UK. So being nurse, you can be assured that there is dearth of jobs because the world will always need nurses Moreover, being a nurse also opens door to other industries.

Once you complete a degree in nursing and get yourself registered by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) you are eligible to apply for jobs. You can choose among the following specializations:


Nurses in Dermatology specialise in treating skin related issues such as psoriasis or eczema. Here you will have to provide treatment and also diagnosis patients with different types of skin disorders. Dermatology nurses can also focuspreliminary detection of skin cancer. You will get to work with patients to obtain their medical histories, guide them on treatments and conditions of improvement.


If you are a haematology nurse, you will work in a much more clinical setting and look after patients with blood disorders or ailments. You also get to work with patients with diseases such as sickle cell, leukaemia or haemophilia. Your responsibility is to accumulate blood samples, perform transfusions, blood tests, examinations and take medical notes. Explaining medical procedures and providing assurance of recovery to your patients will be your added responsibility.

Intensive Care

As an intensive care nurse, your skills will be implemented in dealing with seriously ill patients who require high level of care. To become an intensive care nurse, you don’t need specific course but prior experience in an intensive care unit will be very advantageous. Possessing experience as an ICU nurse makes you a senior nurse. You can also undergo the next level of training in advanced trauma.

Long Term Care

Ailments such as AIDS, Alzheimer’s require long term care. This is also the requirement in case of chronic conditions and grievous injuries. Being in this field, the most primary requirement is your control over your emotions. No doubt, it will take time, but you will have to prepare yourself to serve patients with utmost dedication and care. This entire process will build a relationship with your patient, a bond forged subconsciously. You will also have to be prepared for untimely demise (or sometimes timely demise) of your patients. Such a loss makes an impact on everyone and being a nurse, you will have to be capable to deal with your emotions.

Alternate Jobs as a Nurse

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse

As a certified nurse, your responsibility is to diagnose the conditions, design care plans, and take patients through therapeutic exercises to help the patients handle the challenges to their mental health.

Nurse Case Manager

This is more of an administrative role. In this role nurses case managers occupy administrative and management roles in hospitals, home care facilities, businesses and universities. They delve their skills and knowledge into care planning, examines insurance procedures, and facilitates admission and discharge for patients.

Nursing Informatics Specialist

This is an efficient combination of nursing and information technology skills. This profession works towards patients’ access to care. Nursing informatics specialists analyse medical data and formulate plans to reduce healthcare costs and enhance organizational efficiency. Simply put, they are frontline data analysts.

School Nurse

A school nurse is eminently placed in primary and secondary schools. Their role is to help students recover from minor injuries and illness. Nurses also work on developing educational programs which help students and their parents improve general health and undertake proper nutrition and exercise. School nurses also need to have specialized certifications, undergo stringent background checks to get the job.

Cruise Ship Nurse

Aha! This is for the nurses with a travel bug. You will work with a small medical team and as a cruise ship nurse; you will have to provide personal care to guests and employees alike, attend to any medical emergencies if they arise and tend to guests suffering from seasickness, food poisoning, etc. Cruise lines prefer nurses with a commendable amount of experience. And, you get to go places!

Nurse Midwife

Nurse midwives use their skills and knowledge to render prenatal care and assist with labour and delivery. Nurse midwives also help patients with their family planning and treatment on fertility if required. It is the most monetarily beneficial role for a nurse. Thus, to procure and advance practice position, a nurse must earn credentials from the American Midwifery Certification Board.

As a student, it is imperative to know that getting a nursing degree is not easy. Apart from the theories and practical, there is a lot of academic writing that you have to do. You can smartly divide the pressure, you handle the theories and practices and we, at LiveWebTutors take care of all your nursing assignment writing.

There are many career options for nurse to choose and each of them are equally rewarding, both professionally and personally. All it takes is sheer dedication, hard work and perseverance to go through the years of nursing and be the best in your pr

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