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Positive Effect of Homework on Students

Positive Effect of Homework on Students
cal LiveWebTutors cal 20 Jan, 2017

It is readily accepted that homework plays a significant role in the studies and an understanding of the course curriculum of a student.

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Through homework, it is ensured that a student would give some amount to studies at home, which might otherwise be neglected since the students would then be only playing or watching television.

However, it is a never-ending debate about what and how positive statistics are for homework.

This aspect has always been in a discussion because while a section believes that the children are overburdened with homework after a tiresome day at school, there is another group that believes that the children get ample free time at home and that there must be more homework such that they keep busy and studies at home.

This again raises and puts forward the question of how much can be considered as the positive homework statistics which would assist in raising the standards of education towards the enrichment of high standards of academics and how much work is enough?

Research Conducted - Homework Assistance

As per a chief study by the Department of Education, during the investigation of Mathematics, English, and Science, if a child spends more than two hours every night completing the homework, it is bound to produce enhanced results.

This study was conducted by tracking the advancement of 3,000 children in the past 15 years. The reflection further exhibited that benefits were reflected by any time spent completing the homework; however, higher impacts were for those students who gave in more than two hours a night.

Therefore, it can be derived from this study that the appropriate homework statistics can be one where the student has to devote two to three hours at home for its completion.

This study certainly does not mean that the students should be burdened with homework, and it means that if someone is spending no time on task, they should spend some time at least, and if someone is spending half an hour, they can extend it to one or one and a half hours and so on. It only indicates that a good time should be spent studying at home, which can be fulfilled by homework.

It is claimed by some other researchers that a good and reasonable amount of homework assists the students in developing the skills of responsibility as well as leading a good life, together with the capability of managing the various tasks, and that it offers learning through experience, enhancement in motivation, learning opportunities for coping with distractions and difficulties, together with educational advantages.

While several types of research prefer and conclusively take one stance on the research – either positive or negative and also get Plagiarism Free Essay there is one balanced approach as well taken, which proclaims that the research on the homework effects advice that it is advantageous until the time that the people teaching make use of the awareness of levels of developmental for guiding expectations and policies. 

Homework Statistics and Homework Type

While it can be derived from the studies that there are no specific statistics for the homework, a positive one is where a student has to spend a minimum of two to three hours to complete the work.

There are three basic types of homework: practicing, preparing, or extending. This variation mostly comes with the grade.

  • When it is practice homework – it has to be more because the student would gain perfection only when he will attempt the same work repeatedly.
  • The preparation homework will be limited because its range will vary depending on the capability of each student in completing the given task.
  • The extending one is relatively less, which reinforces and tests the student's knowledge. 
  • You can also contact LiveWebTutors if you need Homework Help Services.


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