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MLA Referencing Style

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MLA Referencing Generator

References are quite significant while doing case studies, researches, academic writing, or working on any project. Academic writing needs more attention while elaborating some concepts as it must be precise and to the point. Referencing Generator helps you know the genuine top sites or the sources from where you can take the guidance while writing. Researches and case studies are incomplete without correct citations. Taking references from reliable sources is very important as it increases the authenticity of your work.

MLA Referencing Generator
APA Referencing

MLA Citation Generator

We use the citation for reference to the source of information you consider in your analysis or research. There are various styles of reference generation process that is available for you. MLA style citation generator or MLA citation format generator are most commonly preferred. MLA referencing generator helps you get the best sources to reference and acknowledge scholars' hard work and comprehensive research.

Benefits Of Using MLA Referencing Generator

When there are many choices, we choose the best suitable one. Similarly, there are many reference-generating tools, but you have to use reliable ones. Academic writing is more critical, and it needs accuracy.

Generates Correct MLA Citation Format

When you use the MLA Referencing Generation tool for your citation, it provides you the best suitable sources from where you can take reference and see the author's researches or thoughts on a specific topic. You can use them as evidence for your argument and give credit for the exceptional hard work and study.

Learn Correct MLA Citation

If you use the MLA referencing Generator, you will get the proper MLA format references along with the complete guide to help you cite your references in MLA format. The first-time users would face no problem while using the tool as they will get the complete instructions.

Saves Time

When you use MLA referencing Generator, you will get the complete list of the references' sources based on priority. Hence, you need not waste time searching online.

Rule Out The Possibility Of Plagiarism

Referencing helps to provide the original content, and hence the quality of the paper increases. When you cite every source correctly, there will be no issue of finding plagiarism in the range. MLA referencing generator helps you find the best sources for your topic to avoid duplicacy in the paper.

Increases Credibility

Using MLA referencing generator takes your credibility to another peak, and it lists the top-rated recommendations as to the referral sources. Your work will be authentic and upto the academic level.

Brief About Mla Style Citation Generator

MLA stands for Modern Language Association which demonstrates the importance of the resources that you use in researches.

MLA citation comprises of two parts:

In-text citation: When you paraphrase a source, you cite the author along with the page number in parentheses.

Works Cited: You provide the complete list of references for every source you cited at the end of the paper. It is usually alphabetized by the last name of the author.

Basic Rules for In-text Citation

The writer should address the requirements of MLA Style while citing sources within the paper. MLA citation provides general rules for parenthetical citations. It informs about when the student can use parenthetical citations and when they cannot. The writer should give in-text citation when paraphrasing information from any source or citing quotations or data from any source in the paper. Unlike other citation styles, the MLA style does not require a year to be cited in the in-text; instead, the writer should mention the page number (William, 62) or William (62).

Basic Rules for Work Cited page

In MLA 8th edition, the student should pay attention to all the details and note general elements of every source such as the name of the author, publication name, year of publication, date, etc. and arrange them in a proper format according to MLA 8th edition. By using MLA referencing style, the student can cite any type of source. Some basic features of MLA 8th edition are:

In this style, the student should use commas between pagination, title, publisher, and publication date.

It is not necessary to give medium (print or electronic).

MLA 8th edition uses containers in the referencing process, and after container titles, commas should be placed.

Students should prefer DOI and use URLs only when DOI is not available for the selected article.

MLA 8th style recommends using "Accessed" in the place of "n.d." or date.

Citing Books in MLA

Citing Book with Single Author

The raw format for citing a book written by a single author is:
Last name of the author, First name. Book Title. City or Place of Publication, Publisher, Year of publication.


William, Steve. Life Skills for Success. New York, Penguin, 2018.

David, Brown. Skills to become a successful leader. 2nd edition. Sydney, Rutledge, 2019.

Citing Books with two and multiple authors.

In MLA style, the student should write the author's name in a sequence as they are given on the book's cover page. It means in MLA, a book with two authors can be cited by using the following method:

Last name of the first author, First name, and Full name of the second author. Book Title. Edition (in case the selected book is not the first edition). City of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.


Mandic, Miroslav and TihomirVranesevic. Successful Customer Relationship Management. New Jersey, Penguin, 2019.

In case there are more than two authors, the student should write the first author's name and follow it with et al. instead of writing the name of other authors. While writing et al. it is essential to give a period (.) after al; however, the period is not required after "et."


Mandic, Mary, et al. Customer Relationship in Media Management. New Jersey, Penguin, 2019.

Citing Books by Organization or Corporate Author

The corporate author refers to a government agency, a commission, or any committee, or any group that does not mention the names of authors on the book's cover page. A book by the corporate author can be cited by listing the corporate author or authors' name where the authors' names generally appear at the beginning.


American Psychological Association. Parenting Young Children. New York, Routledge, 2004.
In case the organization or corporate author is the same as the publisher, the entry can be listed by writing book name, first corporate author, or publisher's name.


A Handbook on Parenting Adolescent Children. American Philological Association, New York, Cengage Learning, 2012.

Citing Book without Any Author

The book's entry without any author name should be made by giving the title of the book first, followed by the city's name and publication, and then the year.


Encyclopedia of Religion. London, Macmillan, 1995.

In-text citations of such books can be done by providing the book's title or a short title of the book followed by the page number.

Citing Chapter from an Edited Book

Students can cite one chapter from a large book easily by using MLA 8th edition. When citing one chapter from a book, the student should provide the page range of the chapter and the author's name of the chapter.

Last name of the chapter's author, First name. "Name of the chapter." Title of the book, Editor's name, City, Publisher, Year, Page range.


Brook, Lee. "Role of Women in Economic Prosperity." Women Empowerment, Samuel Butler, London, Routledge, 2013. 215-246.

Citing Multiple Books From the Same Author

To cite multiple books written by the same author (s), list all the books in alphabetical order ignoring the initial articles such as A or An or The. The author's name should come in the first entry only in the last name, first name format. After the first entry, all remaining entries should start with three hyphens accompanied by the period.


Worth, John. A New Road to Highway. Boston, Cengage Learning, 2015.

Exploring New Horizons of Nature. Charlottesville, Hampton Roads Publishing, 2016.

Sociocultural Realities. Auckland, Canterbury University Press, 2015.

Citing Articles in MLA

Citation for Scholarly Journal Article

A scholarly journal refers to a collection of many small articles or works done by others. While citing an academic journal article, cite author name in the last name, first name format, article's title. Journal name, volume, issue, year, page range of the article.


Ahmed, Salim. "Asian Marketplace: A Study on Growing Demands of Electronics." Journal on Marketing and Management, vol.30, no.4, 2014, pp. 78-105.

Pitt, John R. "How to Develop Effective Supply Chain by Eliminating Undesired Processes." Supply Chain Management Quarterly, vol.32, no.7, 2018, pp. 111-129.

Citation for Scholarly Article Accessed on Online Database

Isaac, Robert T. "Leadership and Motivation: The effective application of expectancy theory." Journal of managerial issues, vol.69, no.8, 2001, pp. 212-226. Web. 12 January 2020

Scholarly Article in a Special Issue

The article published in a special issue can be cited like general scholarly articles, but in the entry, the special issue's name should be mentioned in italics.


Appelbaum, Steven H. "Strategic organizational change: the role of leadership, learning, motivation, and productivity." Change Management, special issue of Journal of Management Decision, vol.36, no.5, 1998, pp. 289-301.

Citing Magazine Articles

Magazine articles can be cited by writing the author's name first in last name, first name format followed with article's title, then the title of periodical, day month year, then pages.


Pinksvill, Lango. "Theme of Romance in Shakespeare's Sonnet." New York Times, 19 Jan. 2019, pp. 46-51.

Somalia, Dana. "Educating Children on Cultural Values and Beliefs." Forbes, June-July 2018, pp. 68-79.

Citing Newspaper Article

Newspaper articles are cited in the same way you cite magazine articles. However, in newspaper articles, it is essential to mention the edition if multiple editions are available for the date. The edition should be mentioned after the newspaper name or title.


Brubaker, Andrew. "How the Global Economy can Recover After the Sharp Recent Decline." Economic Times, late ed., 16 Jun. 2009, p. A2.

Citing Anonymous Periodical Articles

Students often find articles relevant to their subject, but they cannot use them because they are unnamed. In MLA 8th style, the student can cite anonymous articles by starting the entry with an Article title accompanied by a periodical name, date, year, and page number.


Tilama, David. "Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices." Agriculture Insight, 12 Mar. 2019, p.16.
Citing Online Sources in MLA

Citing Websites

The information available online can get changed or deleted over a while. Therefore, the MLA style suggests maintaining a personal record of essential online details. You should download all crucial documents available online and keep a backup of information. Keeping a record of dates when you have accessed different online references is also recommended in MLA.

How to Use URLs

Including URL in the citation helps readers in locating the source. MLA encourages writers to cite containers in place of URLs because web pages keep changing, and documents can be found in multiple areas. Therefore, you should note containers like JSTOR, HEIN, or Youtube to verify sources. MLA recommends eliminating URLs and citing only web addresses. For scholarly articles, MLA encourages DOI use if it is available instead of URL or web address. For online magazines and periodicals, MLA encourages the use of "permalink" instead of URL or website. This link is a short version of the URL and can be found by pressing the "share" button on the webpage.

Citing Website

The following format can be used for citing a website in MLA:

Author/ compiler name. Website. Version number (in case available), Organization of affiliation (publisher), date of creation, DOI (preferred), or URL or permalink. Access date.


Denguel, Sam. Assignment Writing Guide. Livewebtutors, 10 Dec.

2019, Accessed 10 Jan. 2020.

Citing a Page from Website

An individual page from a website can be cited by listing the authors' names if available, followed by the Article name referred to. Generally, the article's title is given at the top of the article on the web page. In case the name of the website and publisher is the same, it is recommended to use them only one time in the listing.


Cox, Lisa. Australia's record on emissions and sustainability condemned by OECD review. The Guardian, 30 Jan. 2019, www. Accessed 10 Jan. 2020.
"Diagnosis of Liver Diseases and Treatment." WebMD, 15 Nov. 2016, of liver diseases/treatment of liver diseases.

Citing an E-Book

Citing an e-book in MLA is very similar to citing a physical book. The student should write "e-book" in the entry in the "version" slot to indicate that the book used is an e-book.


Silva, Johnson. The Diary of a Cricket Player. E-book, Willey online library, 2016.

Citing Emails

In MLA, an email can be cited by placing the name in the last name, first name format, followed with "subject of the mail." Name of the receiver. Date of receiving the email. Email.


Bendy, Oliver. "Strategy for Launching New Range of Juices in Indiana Market." Message to Peter. 14 May 2018. Email./p>

Citing Social Media Sources

The entry of a social media source can be made by writing the author's name, followed by the social media post's title, then the posting date. And date Accessed.


Hawkins, Simona. "Rights of the Children." Facebook. 2 Jul. 2016. 27 Dec. 2016.

Citing Images and Videos in MLA

Images and videos can be cited by giving the title of the image or video or film, followed by the director's name or name of the person who has taken the picture. Studio name in case of film, year. Format of the source.


Dancing in the Rain. Steven Wordsworth. MGM, 2012. Film.

YouTube Video:
Michal, Sataria. "When sky meets sky." Online video. YouTube, 28 Jan. 2018. 31 Dec. 2019.

Citing Images and Pictures

An image or picture can be cited by using the following format.

Format for Print image: Last name, First name. Image Title. Year. Medium name. Site of Image, city name.

Format for Online Image: Last name, First name. Image Title. Year. Medium name. Site of Image, city name. Website title. Medium. Access date.


Decatio, Jessacia. An evening on the beach. 2008. Photograph. Havana. Sunset library.

William, Stella. A race on the highway. 1989. Photograph. Loss Angle, Pinterest library. Website. 15 Mar. 2018. www.pinterest/araceonthehighway

Citing Podcasts

Author name. "Title of the Program." Broadcaster: Title of Series. Transmission date.

Leadership Skills. "Effective Leadership." CNN: Business Leadership. 25 Aug. 2013. Citing Other Sources in MLA

Citing Reports

Author’s last name, first name. Title of the report. City name, Publication, year.


Amazon. A Guide on Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. Seattle, Amazon, 2019.

Citing Dissertations

Author’s last name, first name. Dissertation Title. Level, Name of University, Year of Publication. Web. Access date. <URL>


Morris, Ravana. Impact of Government Policies on Reducing the Corporate Corruption and Unethical Practices. Master, Harvard University, 2017, Web. 11 April 2019. < ImpactofGovernmentPoliciesonReducingtheCorporate CorruptionandUnethicalPractices>  

Citing Interviews

Interviewee’s last name, first name. Interview. "Title of the interview." Interviewer’s last name, first name. City, Date, Pages.


Dam, Victoria. Interview. “How to Strengthen the Relationship with your Suppliers.” Smitten, Jessica. Berlin. Rutledge. 31-35.

Citing Presentations and Lectures

Author’s last name, first name. "Title of the Presentation." Name of Event if Available. City, Date. Format.


Lee, Richard. “Things to remember before Going for Holidays.” Massachusetts, 12 October 2016, PowerPoint Presentation.

Citing Music

Name of the Performer. Title. City, Publication, Year. Format. URL


Dio Morris. “Color of Sky.” California, Atlantic records, 2016. Spotify,

Citing Dictionaries

"Name of the entry". Def. number. Title of the dictionary. Place, Publisher, Year.


“Anger”. Def 4. Oxford English Learner’s Dictionary. London, Oxford press, 2017.

Learn accurate referencing using an MLA format reference generator and make your citation easy. MLA Referencing Generator facilitates quick and simple sources of reference and makes your research reach the top-quality level. If you are a student, you might realize how vital citation is. We have the best team of academic writers who are well aware of the best to use for the correct source. The educational professionals most use MLA referencing Generator as it shows a perfect list of references as per the priority level.

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