According to science, humans have 44 chromosomes (22 pairs) plus two "sex" chromosomes that determine gender. That is scientifically proven. At this point, things start to become a bit dicey. What if you have more or less than 44? It is possible; in fact, certain genetic illnesses are caused by this. But what impact may it have on human awareness and the human body? Drunvalo Melchizadek, a metaphysicist, says: "On Earth, there are three completely distinct sorts of individuals, which means that they view the one reality in three separate ways, each interpreted differently." 42+2 is the chromosomal makeup of the first kind of human.
They are part of a unified consciousness that does not view anything outside of itself as distinct. There is just one energy - one life, one bigness that travels everywhere – for them. Anything that is happening around them is also happening within them. They function similarly to the body's cells. They're all linked to a single awareness that runs through them all. These are Australia's indigenous people. There may only be a handful of African tribes like this left. Then there's our chromosome level, which has 44+2 chromosomes. We are a disharmonic level of consciousness that serves as a stepping stone between the 42+2 and 46+2 levels of consciousness. We are both dangerous to ourselves and the environment, but we are also necessary everything changes because of these two extra chromosomes (Melchizedek).
In short, those who lack a pair of chromosomes perceive all reality and being as one (as opposed to normal humans). This is consistent with the spiritual beliefs of the Aborigines, in particular (however, we must point out that no group of people currently possess the requisite 42 chromosomes). The reality, in metaphor, is one massive landmass with no divisions and no individuals.
Those with 44 chromosomes (in other words, us) are insecure. Our evolutionary stage is only a stepping stone to 46. We each have our own lives, but we've never been able to get together. Each reality is, in essence, a wholly separate island from the others. Based on this, we may deduce that our chromosomal imbalance is the source of our anguish, suffering, ignorance, indifference, and other negative traits. As a result, the only way to genuinely be free of them is to move on.
Finally, we arrive at number 46, the next stage in human evolution. According to Melchizadek's views, it is at this stage that we join together as individuals to form one, each independent yet unified. In his own words:
The most major change will be a shift to "unified awareness. Every cell in your body has its memory and consciousness. You, the higher being that inhabits your body, are responsible for bringing the millions of distinct consciousness’s in your body together as a single entity. What does this have to do with the [new evolution]? Consider yourself a cell and the grid to be a greater being. Individual awareness will still exist but shall join us in the shape of a greater being to operate as one entity (Melchizedek).
It might be considered a step toward becoming more God or Christ-like in the Christian faith; separate pieces make up a whole, similar to the "Body of Christ" idea. We would reach global comprehension as "all-in-one." There would be no sorrow, no anguish, no ignorance, and apathy. It would be comparable to the Kingdom of God or Heaven to use another analogy.
As a result, how can we get from 44 to 46? In a broader sense, it might be easier to ask how we might go from where we are now as flawed humans to something higher, the next step.
The theme of "Change is coming through my shadow" is at the centre of Maynard's "Forty-Six & 2." The mind is divided into numerous elements in Jungian psychology, including the anima/animus, the ego, and the shadow.
The anima is a collection of feminine qualities hidden deep inside the subconscious of males. Similarly, the animus is a collection of masculine tendencies that females conceal in their subconscious. The anima and hatred strongly influence our conduct, even when they are not consciously present. We frequently seek out or project those characteristics onto people of the other sex. The sensation of "falling in love at first sight" is due to this. Even if we don't know who they are, our subconscious recognizes what they symbolize. The anima/animus, being the polar opposite of the conscious self, can serve as a guide to our psyche. They frequently appear in our dreams as guiding feminine (if you're a man) or male (if you're a woman) figures. In other words, our unconscious egos (anima/animus) are features we want in the other sex but repress in ourselves.
On the other hand, the ego is our conscious mind, our feeling of personal identity. However, this sense of personal identity is bought at the price of some traits labelled as "not-self." The shadow is an unconscious 'counter-ego' that combines these rejected features.
Being in contact with someone who possesses elements of our repressed selves can cause unexplainable feelings of annoyance, anxiety, or even anger. In dreams, our shadow may manifest as a physical foe of the same gender. Of all the aspects that make up our minds, the shadow has the potential to be the most destructive and crucial to our personal growth. It represents everything we loathe and dread and everything we must master to progress.
Maynard suggests that we embrace the darkness to go from one level to another. We take a giant step toward making ourselves whole again by accepting previously rejected pieces of ourselves (the "not-self") and learning to live with them (it). "Do whatever it takes to get through," "lie," "cry," "die," and "kill," as well as "move," "grow," and "learn," are essential.
Maynard and Tool are no strangers to deep themes and New Age beliefs. The Tool has never been or sought to be, a band easily comprehended on the surface, with track titles like "Stink fist," "Push it," "Third Eye," "Schism," and "Parabola." This is reflected in their song lyrics, performance displays, and even album artwork. The album Aenima, from which the song "Forty-Six & 2" is derived, even has a cover that incorporates some of the ideas from the music. At first look, the flash of white light in the middle is all that is seen. A closer look reveals a ring of out-of-focus eyeballs around the light. They've expressed exactly what they meant to say without seeming to say anything meaningful, in true Tool form. Consider new ideas (literally).
To some extent, we may all see or comprehend our particular shadows (hence the shadowy, out-of-focus eyes). But no one completely understands what is beyond them. It's a revelation so light it's impossible to see through it, and there's no turning back. Those willing to think for themselves (soft's slogan) will see the album cover, open the CD, and learn things they never knew before. Hopefully, they'll never be the same again due to that.
Our shadows are simple, even primitive. We can only get to the other side by searching within, "listening to my muscle memory," and reflecting on what makes us "us." We might address what we previously rejected and avoided by "picking scabs" and figuratively unearthing old scars. We might enter "into the shadow" and discover fresh insight on the opposite side.