Mr Laurent is suffering from two conditions named Hypotension and Hypoglycaemia. Hypotension is an abnormal lowered level of blood pressure condition. The pressure of the blood is the force with which the blood gives a push against the artery walls when blood is pumped out by the heart. The condition of Hypoglycaemia is a low blood sugar health condition. Mainly it affects people who have diabetes. The doctor has prescribed some medicines for these conditions.
Perindopril Arginine – This medicine has some side effects which can be risky for weak patients at times.
The risk or warning factors for the use of this medication is as follows. Without asking the doctor one must not take this medicine. This medicine is one which can transform the rhythm of the heart as well as human body blood pressure all of a sudden. It can make a chest pain become severe and be the cause of heart attacks as well.
Hence, the dosage if taken mistakenly can cause severe health risks. The use of this drug can also create some amount of drowsiness. One cannot take this medication and perform driving or run complex equipment or complex machinery as the alertness of a person can be numbed.
Use of Propranolol can also cause a lowered blood sugar condition called hypoglycaemia. It can mask out the different signs related to lower blood sugar like the rate of the heart. The heart rate can become more than the normal rate and cause shakiness and sweating signs in the person.
If a person like Mr. Laurent has diabetes and the person takes any diabetes drugs or insulin then one must use this medication with great caution. In children, infants and even adults who do not have diabetes, this medicine can because of low blood sugar. These signs are mostly seen if a person has developed kidney problems or has worked out and engaged in physical exercises for very long. If an individual has asthma or any other breathing problems then this medicine can make the breathing problem worse (Pasco, Henry & Sanders, 2013).
For the risks associated with Perindopril Arginine usage, a general nursing strategy will be to read all the reports and then with the consultation of the doctor decide on the dosage. The following strategies or care is taken by nurses as a preventive methodology.
Propranolol is not suitable to be given for every individual as there are many harmful side effects of the drug on people having specific conditions. Hence, the nursing strategy is to notify the related medical doctor before the medication begins.
If an individual is pregnant or is undergoing a breastfeeding stage or is having health conditions such as liver, asthma, psoriasis, diabetesmellitus or any kidney problems or have any serious heart condition then this medication can worsen the situation. All these conditions can make an interference with the normal treatment flow of the medicine Propranolol.
Hence there can be many complications which must be taken care of beforehand as a standard policy. The doctor must also be informed by the patient if there is any slightest of dizziness experienced such as vomiting, nausea, fatigue,head aches, cold hand and feet, diarrhea or any low heart rate condition (Gardner & Griffiths, 2014).
At 0800 hours early in the morning nurse is administering Mr. Laurent’s medications and charts. The nurse is responsible for risks from any medication. In order to ensure this, they intervene at the right time.
If there are any errors then the patient condition can become worse and they may suffer. There can be fatal conditions as well if care is not taken to intervene rightly administer the entire medication and ensure that there are no risks. Some basic things to take care are:-
There is many times the name of medicines or sounds which are similar can create crucial errors in clinical settings. Nurses catering to patients at early hours must take care while they are giving medicines to patients. Common mistakes related to a misreading of medical names must be avoided at all costs.
Such look-alikes in the field of medication and its names can create serious errors. It is the strategy of the nurse to take care and inform the supervising doctor or many inquiries whenever there is the slightest amount of doubt in their minds. The adverse effects of wrong medications can be life-long and hence must always be prevented (Laatikainen, Dunbar & Janus, 2017).
There are some medications which Mr. Laurent is given using IV or intravenous injection or an infusion. This means that these are given on the veins directly using a tube or a needle. The best advantage of using an IV is that the healthcare practitioner can give you more than one safe dosage of such medication with no need to get poked with the needle every single time.
Such a medication is used as it gives a very efficient and accurate control over the dosage. In some situations where there is a requirement to add medicines to the patient's body very fast, IV is used.
This is often used for emergency conditions such as stroke, heart problems or poisoning situations. In man cases, if a patient uses a liquid or a pill orally the effects are not very immediate. The drug takes a lot of time to mix in the bloodstream and act. An IV drug administration, on the other hand, takes the entire medication very fast into the bloodstream of the patient. Such medications are not just given in a slow manner but also in a very consistent manner.
The drugs used in the IV administration as if the same drugs are taken from the mouth, the stomach or liver enzymes can break them. And breaking them down reduces their good effects on the body. The drug might not be sent into the bloodstream easily and smoothly.
Hence such a drug might not be very effective. These are the very reasons why IV is considered as a good option by medical practitioners. It is also used majorly for the treatment of serious conditions. The ability of IV medicines reaching tissues is fast-paced and in much higher concentrations than any oral antibiotics. There are many infections which are very resistant to an oral medication and hence IV is a preferred choice.