Gender discrimination, often known as gender inequality, is the practise of denying equal treatment to men and women because of differences in traditional gender roles. Gender relations have undergone "one of the most fast, deep societal shifts" since the beginning of the twentieth century, despite the fact that the phrase "gender inequality" has been around for a long time (Wright & Rogers 2009).
In addition, the roles of men and women were essentially established during this period as well. It's apparent that this issue is getting worse. According to a study in the United States, women's wages at work are 75 percent lower than those of men. In the previous century, when males were paid $1, women were only paid 58 cents per hour, according to a law passed in 1963 (Tran 2012).
There is also a discrepancy in the number of kids born to women and men in Vietnam, a sign of gender inequality. At a substantially greater rate than previously, the Ministry of Planning & Investment announced in 2010 that there were 110.6 males for every 100 new-born girls.
Gender discrimination, on the other hand, has sparked a lively debate regarding whether or not women's equality should be promoted. Interestingly, Americans appear to value women's roles more than Chinese people do when it comes to this issue (Chang n.d.)
Therefore, this article will provide readers a new perspective on this contentious issue by reporting on the present condition of gender disparity, the consequences it has, and the remedies that may be implemented to reverse this trend.
Gender inequality is a societal issue that results in unequal treatment of men and women. In order to identify these differences from biological causes, such as a person's different reproductive responsibilities throughout their life (Reeves & Baden 2000). One of the root causes of this misconception is an incorrect view of the relative importance of gender roles.
In today's world, the contradiction that causes women to endure hardships and place them in difficult situations is everywhere. One place's technique of gender discrimination may be different from another's. Not only is the disparity in pay between men and women one way to illustrate workplace gender inequity, but so is the disparity in the quantity of money paid to each gender (Hsu 2012).
In the past, males were more likely than women to have greater educational opportunities. There were fewer possibilities for women to attend college than there were for males (Dang 2008, p.25)
According to the causes of gender inequality, Asia appears to be the region where gender discrimination has looked to be a "tradition" in Asian cultures. General Office for Population Family Planning claims that Confucianism and people's knowledge of life were the driving forces behind separating males from women.
As a result, men were viewed as having a duty to carry on the family tree. As a way to show respect for the ancestor, not having a son was considered a disgrace in that culture. Women are more likely to lose their place in the community if they continue to believe in this misperception (Nguyen n.d.)
Gender disparity has an immediate impact on population size. There is a disparity in the number of new-born boys and girls in Vietnam due of gender discrimination, according to data from the General office for population family planning. To some, the desire to have a boy skews the gender balance in favour of having a son.
Unfortunately, because this problem has persisted for so long, it has had enormous ramifications for the local community. Despite efforts to lessen the gender disparity in births, the Ministry of Public Health predicts that there will be 4.3 million more men in the world in 2020 than women.
According to a statement from the Minister of Public Health (cited in Phuong 2012), if this trend continues, it will have many negative consequences for society's safety and order before children reach marriageable age due to a lack of brides resulting from the outnumbering of new-born boys and girls.
We can now clearly observe the impact on the Chinese population. There will be a bride shortage in China in ten years due to a serious gender imbalance among young people, particularly those under the age of 19, according to the China Academy of Social Science's "Blue Paper on Society" (Tang 2010).
Second, there are issues in education as a result of discrimination based on gender. Education is a crucial instrument for human development. Regardless of one's gender, he or she has a right to education. Many empirical evidences show that increasing female education increases human development outcomes such as the survival of children, their health, and their education," according to Chaudhry & Rahman (2009 p.175).
Low female educational attainment has a detrimental influence on economic growth since it decreased the average level of human capital (Klasen 2002, cited in Chaudhry & Rahman 2009, p.175). In practically all impoverished nations, the impact of gender disparity on education is considerable, according to the World Bank's 2001 report. Girls' attitudes about schooling are more likely to be swayed when they live in poverty.
Finally, the economy is harmed since education and the economy are intertwined. There is a negative correlation between the number of male and female pupils in elementary and secondary school. A wide discrepancy between male and female schooling might be a symptom of backwardness, which could lead to inferior economic growth (Barro and Lee, 1994; Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1995). Take China, which is well-known for its extreme gender disparity around the world, as an illustration of how gender disparities affect economic performance (Golley &Tyers 2012).
As previously said, China will be short of brides in 10 years, which would exacerbate the problem of women being forced into prostitution. "The illicit market of "selling wife" is growing," said Tian Xueyuan, deputy director of the China Population Association, in part because males in disadvantaged regions are increasingly exposed to the "marriage market" (cited Tang 2010).
Male and female workers are paid differently because of gender discrimination. Even though women hold the same positions as males, they are paid significantly less than their male counterparts, according to Yang Juhua, a professor at Renmin University (cited Tang 2010). There are less opportunities for women to get hired, and they're more likely to be rejected when looking for employment.
International Women's Day was originally observed on March 8th, 1919, when it was declared a federal holiday in various countries. In the last ninety three years, there has been a significant shift in people's views about gender inequality. Because we live in a society where men and women contribute equally, why should women have to bear the brunt of such a disparity that they don't deserve to?
Everywhere you go, you'll see this type of inequity, and it's been there for a long time (Chang n.d.). We must all work together to put an end to this out-of-date notion. We cannot achieve democracy and peace until women have equal rights and opportunities, according to the Nobel Committee. Because it will have an impact on "the competitiveness and growth of our economies," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claims that empowering women and improving their productivity are essential to economic recovery. (Sharma & Keefe 2011, quoted.) -
People should not underestimate the significance of education in the economy. People must devote themselves to education in order for the economy to thrive. In order to create a pleasant atmosphere for learning and teaching, it is critical to establish schools that are attentive to the needs of both boys and girls.
Improving a gender-responsive curriculum that matches national policy on gender equality in teaching is also required in order to help female students feel more confidence in their academic endeavours (Clarke 2005, p.11)
Gender inequality is clearly a pressing issue in the globe, as seen by the discussion that has just taken place. In spite of its declining volume, it continues to exist and has a significant impact on many people's lives. And there are a slew of other factors at play, none of which can be readily addressed. There are, nevertheless, reasons to believe that gender disparity will be eliminated in the near future. Finally, it is hoped that both genders would be treated equally in society.
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