The term community care and support is something very common but I personally got to know its significance after extensive reading about the topic. Detailed reading has helped me in understanding the values, theories as well as policies underpinning the health and community care practices(Strauss et al., 2005). Moreover, I have developed an in-depth understanding regarding the implementation of the existent mechanisms for promoting good practice.
My own attitude towards community care has undergone changes in terms of being acquainted with the individual health behavior as part of professional work experience. Socialization of the healthcare context is significant for the overall betterment of society for people from all social strata must be equally entitled to healthcare and should not be discriminated in this regard. Community care and support being a need-based concept; should be treated likewise and must be made available to all people irrespective of the financial status.
As far as the Australian healthcare system is concerned, it can be put forward that meaningful community engagement should be prioritized with regard to focusing on using the skilled and flexible workforce to its utmost potential(Mundinger et al., 2012). The principle of universalism can be proposed in this context as this is the worldwide current practice in healthcare domain due to its affordability and accessibility by dint of reflecting improved humanitarian service.
QuintessentialReformation is needed in the Australian healthcare system to provide support to the ailing individuals in order to help them in optimizing their own health. The global clause of human rights must be agreed upon by the Australian government in entitling everyone to high quality healthcare and community care services, both physical and mental.
New models of care along with health insurance reimbursement policies and emerging technological inventions would help the current healthcare settings of Australia in evolving, which would be beneficial for the aging population to a large extent(Davis et al., 2010). Furthermore, implementation of culturally sensitive services is encouraged for overcoming the issues of stigma and marginalization; alongside appropriately educating the healthcare providers for serving the cause of care providing to the minority groups.
Being a healthcare professional, I am bound to invest my time and energy in my profession; and though this often feels rewarding, yet the danger of burnout is inevitable. Therefore, self-care is significant for balancing out the work hazard, which is effective in not just personal level but also in better enhancement of our professional lives. In terms of being successfully resilient towards the professional complexities and distractions, one must learn to consciously cultivate the life skills of attention, self-awareness and emotional regulation(Davis et al., 2013).As Self-care denotes valuing oneself, one’s relationships alongside professional work, I have surely understood the significance of this concept for I have learnt to actively look after my own wellbeing and mental health for supporting my co-workers in a better way.
Over the years, I have realized that self-care practice in itself is an important professional development activity which not only just nourishes one physically but also helps one in bouncing back emotionally with better cognitive ability over the long term. Eating well, exercising regularly, de-stressing in terms of engaging in respective hobbies, fostering positive relationships etc all can be considered as part of self-care. I need to adapt to Exercisingon a daily basis as part of my own self-care routine because it has positive impacts on both mind and body; which would in turn help me cope with the work related stress and perform my best at workplace, in both ethical and productive manner(Horn, 2006).
The research and information is responsible for my inculcating positive attitude towards community care which has shaped my own professional development attitude and I happen to engagein self-care on grounds of reflecting towards my acquired knowledge and skill sets. The equilibrium in my personal and professional life has eventually affected my job performance and I believe I can provide more care to the patients not just out of professionalism – but out of love, empathy and humanity(Leach and Philibert, 2012). The realization of mental health significance is certainly a turning point in my life that has not just enriched my personal development but also has aided my professional career remarkably.
As far as my personal development as a healthcare worker is concerned, I can put forth that I have been able to understand the respective impact of policy, legislation, regulation alongside codes of practice and standards on organizational policy. Furthermore, I have acquired the knowledge and understanding in terms of implementing health and community care organizational policy for better results at my work field(Sackett et al., 2001). I can make sound decisions i.e. suggesting meds and care for patients as deemed necessary in the situation as a health professional in terms of being equipped with the necessary knowledge and health information.
As a healthcare professional, I’m completely aware of the driving forces of technology and the aging population that certainly affect the healthcare practice. Advanced technology is changing the world at warp speed and this is all the more evident in the healthcare settings. Technology helps in facilitating mobility, communication and relationships which is beneficial in today’s jet-paced lifestyle and more so in healthcare segment(Horn, 2006). I realize that healthcare workers like me need to be armed with certain skill sets i.e. having expertise in knowledge information, adapting to geriatric training, understanding and using genomics etc to perform even more effectively in the workplace which is nothing but providing appropriate care to the ailing individuals, specifically the older adults.
The aging population calls for supply of and demand for healthcare workers as supply may decrease due to the aging healthcare professionals and their reduced working hours; whereas demand is bound to increase due to the consumption of large share of Australian healthcare services by the older ones(Leach and Philibert, 2012).
A good support network is necessary in terms of providing professional care to the patients and with experience and acquired knowledge, I have learnt the importance of self-care in the development of professional attitude for serving the purpose of delivering effective health and community care to the community.