Technology is a significant pillar for modern day commercialisation and business production operation. Technology is being used by different organisations to improve their performance accordingly. The thesis statement of the essay evaluates advantages and disadvantages of technical development with special reference to the induction of development through information technology.
Advantages and disadvantages of technological development in job sector
Technical development helps an organization to upgrade its production and development process. According to Altenburg & Lütkenhorst (2015), it also helps organisation to gather desirable revenue and maintain their labour base. This revenue generation also helps organizational operators to expand their business in domestic as well as international market. Hence, it can be mentioned that technical development insulates company growth and its expansion (Baumers et al. 2017). For maintaining this expanded business, operators increase their number of employees. With reference to the economists grapple in the first task, it can be noted that organisation management must insulate effective leadership communication to expand over the international labour market. This trend also insulates job circulation for both skilled and unskilled employees.
Along with above-mentioned advantages, technical development carries some limitations also that make a severe impact on the international job market. The major threat of computerisation to human resource mentioned in task 2 is widespread technological application. This creates a lack of labour needs in the job market due to use of heavy engineering and artificial intelligence. Heavy engineering insulates industrial development by imposing work of heavy machines and reduce dependency on skilled labours (Kruss et al. 2015). On the other hand, artificial intelligence injecting a tough competition to human intelligence and operators also follow this task to gather profitable outcome. Avgerou & Walsham (2017) state market crunch of a both domestic and international sector of job is a prime result of insulation of these two factors.
Hence it can be concluded from the above-mentioned essay that there are two significant tasks; one is an evaluation of technical development into organisational operation. Another task is noted as influence of development into the labour market and job searching. This essay has discussed these two tasks as advantages and disadvantages of technical development into job market.
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