Table of Contents
How is this project going to empower employees to exceed their sales goals. 1
Strategic alignment of project 2
Access control and authentication. 4
The project highlights the important aspect regarding the employing and managing the high-tech information technology system. we all are living and working with in the specified environment, which was created and developed by humans, and such environment is a business environment with the collaboration of information technology. This project report states about the various methods and the tools available to secured the confidential information and how the information technology can help the corporation and the business communities to secure the data and the information which are the confidential and key assets for the long-term property of any business. The project states about the various tools and model used by the medium size growing business entity, considering the real situation of the Fencing Limited, initially the fencing limited had started its operation as the suppler of fencing to the construction, mining and manufactures throughout the Australia, the company offers the employment for nearly 250 employees , and the company imports the major part of raw products from the China, now company is looking for modernization of its business by incorporating the information technology and modifying the current sales practices. The company is trying to adopt the online facility for its customers, where the consumer shall directly check the various products available with company and place an order. However, the management is worried about the security and safety of the customers under online transaction and when the consumers directly approached the company through its website. The project covers the various model which can be used by company to for security and safety of the consumers data and information of company.
How is this project going to empower employees to exceed their sales goals?
Our Company is looking forward to create an electronic platform for consumers and the employees of the company (sales team) to meet. Such electronic platform helps the sales team of company to promote the company products and services throughout the national as well as multination countries. Ultimately the initiation for creation of electronic platform for customers and the sales team will boost the strength of company as well as the sales team of the company. The biggest advantage of electronic platform (website of company) can help the sales team to inform the real time situation of company, such as about the new products, change and upgradation in exiting products, stock level of various products. (Hufford, J. (2019).
The current practice of sales team, can be extended through electronic platform, here the sales executive from the call centre can show the customers the real image of the product as well as the configuration of the product can be shown through company website, ones the consumer is convince and satisfied with the product and services offered by the company, or the product offer by the company meet the requirement customers, than the order is directly place by the customers.( Anon, (2019). This will ultimately reduce efforted and the time of sales team to convince and to convert the propose customer into the real one.
Further the sales team can target the customers located not only in the states of Australian, but also the customers located through out the world country, the sales team can target the big consignments, by directly communicating with the customers located in the world country. Further, the exiting consumers who are already aware about the electronic platform to place an order, will directly place an order without much interaction with the sales team, as such the consumer aware about the quality, configuration and the other aspects related with the product. The burden of sales team to convince each new customer, will reduced as the consumer can read and understand the requirement of product by gathering the information from company website. ( (2019). Here direct consumer will save the time and energy of sales team, will can be diversified toward the other area, and ultimately the sales of company will boost and the employees are motivated with new goals and the achievement of current targeted sales level.
The scope of this project is to analyses the new electronic and high tech system for communication and controlling various activities and to assist the project management and the promoter of the company in taking the decision ; how fare the decision for injection of additional capital for modernisation current operating structure, will affect the operation of company, as well as to the corporate culture of company. the project highlights the risk associated with new system, and with corporate culture and with the operation of company of company. finally, the project analyses the decision of Peter Smith for contribution of additional funds.
The goal and the objective of this project is to analyses the proposal for modernisation of corporate culture, and to analyses the decision of Peter Smith, for injection of additional capital for next 3 years at $ 100000 each upcoming year, further to analyse the risk associated with the new proposal. Formulating and establishing the new system which meet the expectation of corporation ensure, the high level of confidentially of information and comply with the regulatory aspects. (Blog. (2019).
Strategic alignment of project
We are looking forward to enhance the strength and the ability of sales team to meet expected level of sales. As well as to improve the quality of goods and the services offered by our company. we are also looking forward to enhance the firm ability to minimise the risk associated with the confidential information and the data about the customers and about the sales strategy of company. (Erridge, T. (2017). we want to allocate the limited resources in best possible and in alternative way, which ultimately improve the firm wealth and ensure the project manager that the resources are allocated among the all department and among the employees correctly.
Security and safety are the two primary aspects which are associated with the strategy for risk management. In the world of information technology where the data and the information, are flows in the electronic form, can give invitation or opportunities to competitors as well as criminal mind person to hacking, manipulating and theft of key information and the data of the company. hence it is essential to have a system which ensure and prevent the misused of confidential information.( (2019). Here in current case, current security and safety are sufficient for meeting the current level of safety. But to improve and to enhance the ability for risk management, we can use following network security models in our case. (Fruhlinger, J. (2019).
Network access control: The network access control is system or the network, which prevent the unauthenticated users of our network. Here we can sat a system in our network, which allow us in selecting a person who can and who cannot use our network. Here we can selected the devices and identify the users who will and who will not use our company network. We can do this by identifying which devices and users are allowed into your network. ( (2019). here we can add new security feature such as blocking the specified and identical devices and the instrument, from where we were facing a risk, one of the features of network access control is to analyses the behaviour of the various devices and instrument which are operated surrounding our company network. By using this feature, we can block those device and instrument from where we are facing more risk. If we use this model in our current operating system, then we can minimise the risks for loss of data as well as we can control the risk related to misuse or theft of our company confidential information and data of our current and propose consumers. (Anon (2019).
Application security: The application security the name of security itself show suggest the work, a security which protect our application and devices, where the confidential information is store. This type of security is important to have because no app is created perfect. They can have a lot of holes or weaknesses where a hacker can enter. In our current operation there are many project and tasks which are operated with the help and with the use of the applications, hence this security system will enhance our ability to protect our information and the data of our products, about the key employees, as well as the information about the projected strategic action plan. (Patel, A. (2015).
Wireless security: If we look around us, we can see how the new instruments such as the Laptops, mobile devices, can be used to travel the data from one place to another place or from one device to another devices. The current situation opens the door for the hackers to theft the confidential information of company. so, it is important for the company to have a high-level security system for wireless devices. The password, continuedly disconnecting the network of unauthenticated users are some ways to secure the wireless devices. We can incorporate this security system in our company wireless network, which can help our corporation to minimise the risk level for misuse of our information. (The 4 Different Types of Network Security and Why You Need Them -. (2019) The above stated security instrument we can use to minimise the risk form the loss of confidential information and the data about the company. further the continue upgradation and improvement in current operating system is essential, the simple reason for same is to prevent a risk from the situation when the key employee of the company leave our corporation and join the hand of the competitors. The Different Types of Network Security. (2019).
Access control and authentication
There must be a system which control and which prevent the unathletically entry and exit from the corporation. So, in the national and in the multination corporation as well as in other similar business entities, the password and similar security system are incorporated at entry and exit door of the company.( (2019) here in our case, we can use the similar type of system from the employees working at the all level of corporation. The unique and independent password and the unique employee’s id for each employee, will control the unauthenticated activities as well as ensure the top management and the promotors of company about the authenticated use of company assets and the property. Further the employees working in sales department are restricted and prevented to access the other department, and the employees of one are authenticated to communicate only by using the internal communication system of company. instead of designating the security Gard at the entry and exit door, we shall use the electronic devices to prevent the unauthenticated entry and exit from and to the corporation and from and to one department to another departments. (SearchSecurity. (2019).
The Access control and authentication is provided with the help of centralise internal control system, where the work of one employee is check and control by other employees and the single employee are not authorised to do the whole work. Here in our case the employees working in the call centre department shall not make any type of communication with the sales employee, rather the order is place with the sales department and sales department inform the said thing to the warehouse department of company. here the communication of call centre department are recorded, and the order place by the call centre department is communicated to sales department who shall update its working sheet and the data of stock with specified order id, and the order is forwarded to the warehouse department of company, which finally dispatch the order to consumer. So, the order of consumer is track at each stage and any loophole or mistake in flow can be easily identified. Such things will ultimately control the unauthenticated access and well as minimise the risk for misuse of company assets or property. ( (2019).
The main office of Fencing Limited is near the Princes Highway on an industrial estate with a paper recycling plant on one side and a car wrecking yard on the other side, as such these two business units is not give us any type of competitive risk, we are operated in the industrial areas, which help us in creating the business environment. If we inject the additional fund, and update our current sales system, such as by enabling the feature of online sales, and improving the current internal network through new security system, we can ensure our prospective future, as well as we can maximise the wealth and the financial health of all stakeholder we are associated and connected with use. The additional fund can help our company to increase the sales both through on-line as well as off line mode, secondly the new network security system, will minimise the possibility for loss or misuse of company information. which ultimately enhance the internal ability and the strength of company and all together ensure the prosperity of business.
We all know that every business operated under the specified business environment and such business environment always gives a opportunity as well as challenges to every business, the opportunity are always invited, whereas the challenges are many time in form of risk, hence it is essential for business to formulate a framework, which help the corporation in controlling various type of risk, and help the corporation in exploiting the new opportunities. The updated system which has a feature for online sales, as well as the high-tech securities, and a system to controlling the behaviours and the activities of various persona associated and working with the corporation will reduced the risk for the loss of data and the critical information about the company. the new system which ensure the long-term prospective future as well as ensure positive financial health of the people and group of peoples working with the corporation. (Ciampa, M (2016),
The above stated change in the current operating system are essential in order to ensure the continues growth and the development of our business, further the change as suggested above are essential looking toward the change in the business environment, as well as introduction of new risk in the business environment and continues change in the national and international trade related policy of government. This factor will largely affect the decision of promoter as we are importing most stock from the China and at international level China face number of challenges and trade related issue from the world country.
After going through the whole situation and after analysing the current operating and risk management system, it is strongly advisable and suitable for our company, introduced or adopt the new system, which help the corporation in controlling various activities, as well as help the corporation in minimising the risk associated with the company. further the new system will boost the sales level, as well as the efficiency and the ability of employee to meet the expected target sales level so it is strongly recommended to update the current operating system with above stated new feature. The amount invested by the Promoter and the owner of the company shall be use in moderations of current operation as well as in adding the new product and service range in current portfolio of our company.